Short CV (English)

Davide Zoletto (Ph.D) is Associate Professor in the s.s.d M-PED/01 (General and Social Education) at the DILL (Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature, Comunicazione, Formazione e Società) of the University of Udine. 

His primary areas of research are educational theory, educational research in diverse learning environments and intercultural education, which also encompass a focus on children's and youth cultures and on cultural and postcolonial studies in education.


Research projects and groups at European, national and local level (selection)

Currently, he is a member of the Udine research unity (local coordinator prof. Lucio Cottini) within the project “Evidence Based Education: European Strategic Model for School Inclusion (EBE-EUSMOSI)" – a project funded with support from the European Commission (programme ERASMUS+, KA2 Strategic Partnership for Schools ( 2014-1-IT02-KA201-003578). The lead partner: University of Perugia (prof.ssa A. Morganti) (January 2016 – ).

He is the principal investigator of the 1-year research “Pedagogical frameworks and educational practices in socially and culturally heterogeneous preprimary and primary schools” (funded with support of the Department of Languages and Literatures, Communication, Education and Society - DILL of the University of Udine) (April 2017 – ).

Davide Zoletto was a member of the project "Postcolonialitalia. Postcolonial studies from the European South" – coordinator: prof.ssa Annalisa Oboe, University of Padova, Department of  Studi Linguistici e Letterari of the University of Padova – project funded with support of the University of Padova (January 2014 – October 2015)

He was a member in the project "Lingue di Scolarizzazione e curricolo plurilingue e interculturale (LSCPI)"(member of the technical-scientific board) – lead partner: I.C. di Caneva (Pn), in cooperation with the Ufficio Scolastico Regionale FVG, project funded with support of the Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia (March 2013 – June 2013)

He participated in the project “Un passo dopo l'altro: la sperimentazione del quaderno dell'integrazione nelle scuole della Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia”, coordinated by the FVG Regional research group for the inclusion of migrant pupils, project funded with the support of the Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, in cooperation with the Ufficio Scolastico Regionale of Friuli Venezia Giulia (February 2009 - December 2010)

He was a member of the Scientific Research Community ‘Plurality and Diversity in Urban Context' – project funded with the support of Flanders Research Council, coordinated by the Katholieke Universiteit of Leuven (Belgium) – coordinators prof. D. Wildemeersch and prof. Christian Kesteloot (March 2009 – November 2012). 


Intensive Programmes

He was the coordinator of the Erasmus Intensive Programme “Learning in a Global Sociey: Transnational Perspectives”, funded with the support of European Commission (Lifelong Learning Programme 2011).  Partners: University of Udine (lead partner), University of Oulu, UNED Katholieke Universiteit of Leuven, Freiburg University of Education, DPU (Aarhus), University of Uppsala, Warsaw University, University of Athens, European University of Cyprus (September 2011 – August 2012).


Papers delivered at international conferences and seminars (selection)

“The role of popular culture practices in building inclusive communities. Educational perspectives”, paper delivered at the Mobilities, Transitions, Transformations. Intercultural Education at the Crossroads International Conference, organized by the International Association for Intercultural Education (IAIE) and the Institute for Intercultural Psychology and Education (IIPE), Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest (Hungary), 05-09 September 2016

(together with F. Zanon), "Living and learning in diverse urban communities (of practice)", paper delivered at the Conference on "Perspectives on community practices – Living and learning in community", organized by the ESREA Research Network "Between global and local: adult learning and developments", Ljubljana (Slovene) 18-20 June 2015

"Transnational connections and everyday learning practices in diverse urban environments", paper delivered at the Conference on "Local Change, Social Actions and Adult learning: Challenges and Responses", organized by the ESREA Research Network "Between global and local: adult learning and developments", Lisbon (Portugal) 26-28 June 2014

"Diverse schools as sites of tension between global and local governmentalities”, paper delivered at the at the XXVIth CESE Conference "Governing Educational Spaces: Knowledge, Teaching and Learning in Transition)", Freiburg (D) – 10-13 June 2014.

"Migrant adult education and the territorialisation of difference in diverse urban environments", paper delivered at the Conference on the "Renewal of adult education practices and professions in the context of urban development", organized by the ESREA Research Network "Between global and local: adult learning and developments", Ghent (B) 25-27 April 2013

"Would-be citizens of Europe. Educational discourses in migrants' integration policies in Europe",  paper delivered at the XXVth CESE Conference, Salamanca (ES) – 18-21 June 2012.

“Nothing in common except the context... A possible framework for researching public places as learning environments for citizenship”, paper delivered at the 6th International seminar of the Scientific Research Community ‘Plurality and Diversity in Urban Context', Katholieke Universiteit di Leuven – Brussels (B), 17-18 September 2010.

“The rhetoric of social cohesion and the government of the children of immigrants in schools”, paper delivered at the XXIVth CESE Conference – Uppsala (S), 16-19 August 2010.

“Cricket, intercultural education and identity in Italian public places”, paper delivered at the 4th International seminar of the Scientific Research Community ‘Plurality and Diversity in Urban Context', Katholieke Universiteit di Leuven – Leuven(B), 13-14 March 2009.

“The hard game of integration. Rhetorics of sport and the government of immigrant youth”, paper delivered at the XXIIIrd CESE Conference – Athens (E), 7-10 July 2008.

“The ‘value’ of diversity. Cultures of integration and global intercultural management”, paper delivered at the XXIIst CESE Conference – Granada (E), 3-6 July 2006.

(with R. Albarea) “Living the betweenness: paradoxes and rhetorics”, paper delivered at the XXIst CESE Conference – Copenaghen (DK), 27 June - 1 July 2004.


Publications (selections)

Selection of recent articles/chapters:

Situated learning, post-migrant youth and ludic spaces in diverse urban environments in Italy, “Modern Italy”, Special Issue: Sport and public space in contemporary Italian cities. Processes of citizenship construction through body-related practices, Vol. 20, No 3, August 2015, pp. 263-271

Cosmopolitan Humanities in the Classroom, in AAVV (a cura di), Conversaciones con un maestro (liber amicorum) - Estudio interdisciplinar de discipulos y colegas en homenaie al professor Dr. D. José Luis Garcia Garrido, Ediciones Academicas, Madrid 2013, pp. 871-877

(con D. Wildemeersch) Public playgrounds as environments for learning citizenship. Notes from the Scientific Research Community: Plurality and Diversity in the Urban Context, “Pedagogia oggi”, n. 1, 2012, pp. 78-86

(con L. Zinant) New Media Technologies For the Integration of Post Migrant Youth in Urban Italy, in M. Ciastellardi, C.M. de Almeida, C.A. Scolari (eds.), McLuhan Galaxy ConferenceUnderstanding Media, Today, Conference Proceedings, Editorial Universidad Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona 2011, pp. 437-451

The hard game of integration. The rhetorics of sport in the current EU culture of integration, in D. Mattheou, Y. Roussakis (eds.), Quality and equality in education - policies and practices in comparative perspective,  CESE papers & Reports, Athens 2009, pp. 47-58.

The “value” of cultural diversity: cultures of integration and global intercultural management, in M.A. Pereyra (ed.), Changing Knowledge and Education: Communities, Mobilities and New Policies in Global Societies, Peter Lang, Frankfurt an Main 2008, pp. 349-361

(with R. Albarea) Living the betweenness. Paradoxes and rhetorics: comparative attitude and educational style, in in J. Sprogøe, T. Winther-Jensen (eds.), Identity, Education and Citizenship - Multiple Interrelations, Peter Lang, Frankfurt an Main 2006, pp. 165-174.


Selection of recent books as author

Dall'intercultura ai contesti eterogenei. Presupposti teorici e ambiti di ricerca pedagogica (Franco Angeli, Milano 2012).

Pedagogia e studi culturali. La formazione tra critica postcoloniale e flussi culturali transnazionali (ETS, Pisa 2011)

Il gioco duro dell'integrazione. L'intercultura sui campi da gioco (Raffaello Cortina, Milano 2010)

Differenze in gioco. Etica delle cornici e relazione educativa (2nd edition: Imprimitur, Padova 2007)

Straniero in classe. Una pedagogia dell'ospitalità (Raffaello Cortina, Milano 2007)

Identità culturali e integrazione in Europa (with R. Albarea, D. Izzo, E. Macinai, ETS, Pisa 2006)


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