
The Barrier Walkthrough method

(The content of the page was last updated by Giorgio Brajnik on 2011)


The purpose of this method is to fill a gap concerning evaluation of web accessibility. In fact, the most often used method is the standards review (or conformance testing) coupled with WCAG 1.0/2.0 guidelines or Section 508 requirements (or other similar principles). On the other side there are methods that are used less often, like user testing. Both methods can be used for assessing accessibility levels, but there are shortcomings in both cases.

Research results on the accessibility evaluation method called Barrier Walkthrough

(this page was written by Giorgio Brajnik in 2009)

Goal of this research

The goal of this research is to study effectiveness of methods that can be used to assess accessibility of web sites and applications.

In particular a method called "Barrier Walkthrough" has been devised, has been suggested to a group of students, and experimentally evaluated in order to compare its effectiveness with that of the more usual method called "Conformance Testing".

The barrier walkthrough method aims at determining the level of accessibility of a web site, defined as:

convenzioni di ricerca | research agreement

31.01.2007-01.12.2007-31.08.2008   responsabile scientifico "Raccolta dell'acqua piovana negli insediamenti della Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia tra tradizione e innovazione", convenzione di ricerca tra il Dipartimento di Ingengneria civile dell'Università degli Studi di Udine e l'Autorità di Bacino Regionale della Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia (report: DICA-ABR 2.pdf)


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