Language Lab - Forthcoming papers

Submitted 1. Marin, D., Marini, A., Consonni, M., Fabbro, F., Perani, D. (under review). The Bilingual Aphasia Test as a tool to assess linguistic proficiency in healthy bilinguals. 2. Marini, A. (under review) The development of narrative language in school-aged children. 3. Marini, A., Piras, F., Spalletta GF. (under review) The coherent brain: how the brain keeps narrative coherence. 4. Marangolo, P., Fiori, V., Caltagirone, C., Marini, A. (under review) How “conversational therapy” influences speech recovery in severe non fluent aphasia. 5. Marangolo, P., Fiori, V., Calpagnano, M.A., Caltagirone, C., Marini, A. (under review). Something to talk about: enhancement of linguistic cohesion through tDCS in chronic aphasia. 6. Marangolo, P., Fiori, V., Calpagnano, M.A., Razzano, C., Caltagirone, C., Marini A. (under review). Brain stimulation over the left inferior frontal cortex improves everyday life conversation in aphasic patients. 7. Buiatti, T., Marini, A. (under review). Past and future directions in the clinical characterization of Specific Language Impairment: the contribution of brain imaging and event-related potentials. 8. Galetto, V., Zettin, M., Marini, A. (under review). Patterns of impairment of narrative language in mild Traumatc Brain Injury. 9. Andreetta, S., Marini, A. (under review) Narrative assessment in patients with communicative disorders. 10. Riva, V., Marino, C., Cattaneo, F., Marini, A. et al. (under review) Predictors of language development in Italian general population children aged 3 to 11 years. In preparation 1. Carlomagno, S, Razzano, C., Vorano, L., Marini, A. (in preparation). Un test per la valutazione della produzione e della comprensione di narrative nell’adulto cerebroleso con deficit di comunicazione 2. Marini, A., Fabbro, F. (in preparation) Factors affecting the acquisition of languages in multilingual speakers. In Berken, J (Ed.) The Neurobiology of Bilingualism. MIT press 3. Marini, A. (in preparation) Narrative language production in schizophrenia. In Marini, A & Brambilla, P. (editors) Brain evolution, language, and psychopathology in schizophrenia. Psychology Press 4. Marini, A. & Brambilla, P. (editors, in preparation). Brain evolution, language, and psychopathology in schizophrenia. Psychology Press. 5. Marini, A., Marotta, L., Riva, D., Fabbro, F. (in submission to editor) Batteria per la valutazione del linguaggio in bambini dai 4 ai 12 anni

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