Recent publications


For the full list of publications, see here:






  • Frizzera D., Zanni V., D’Agaro M., Boaro G., Andreuzza L., Del Fabbro S., Annoscia D., Nazzi F. (2023) - Varroa destructor exacerbates the negative effect of cold contributing to honey bee mortality. Journal of Insect Physiology 151: 104571.
  • Willcox B.K., Potts S.G., Brown M.J.F., Alix A., Al Naggar Y., Chauzat M.P., Costa C., Gekière A., Hartfield C., Hatjina F., Knapp J.L., Martínez-López V., Maus C., Metodiev T., Nazzi F., Osterman J., Raimets R., Strobl V., Van Oystaeyen A., Wintermantel D., Yovcheva N., Senapathi D. (2023) - Emerging threats and opportunities to managed bee species in European agricultural systems - A Horizon Scan. Scientific Reports volume 13, Article number: 18099.
  • Zanni V., Frizzera D., Marroni F., Seffin E., Annoscia D., Nazzi F. (2023) - Age-related response to mite parasitization and viral infection in the honey bee suggests a trade-off between growth and immunity. PLoS ONE 18(7): e0288821.


  • Breda D., Frizzera D., Giordano G., Seffin E., Zanni V., Annoscia D., Topping CJ., Blanchini F., Nazzi F. (2022) - A deeper understanding of system interactions can explain contradictory field results on pesticide impact on honey bees. Nat Commun. 13, Article number: 5720.
  • Paxton R.J., Schäfer M.O., Nazzi F., Zanni V., Annoscia D., Marroni F., Bigot D., Laws-Quinn E.R., Panziera D., Jenkins C. (2022) - Epidemiology of a major honey bee pathogen, deformed wing virus: potential worldwide replacement of genotype A by genotype B. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, 18: 157-171.
  • Frizzera D., Ray A.M., Seffin E., Zanni V., Annoscia D., Grozinger C.M., Nazzi F. (2022) - The Beneficial Effect of Pollen on Varroa Infested Bees Depends on Its Influence on Behavioral Maturation Genes.Front. Insect Sci., 27 April 2022 |


  • Pusceddu M., Annoscia D, Floris I., Frizzera D., Zanni V., Angioni A., Satta A., Nazzi F. (2021) - Honeybees use propolis as a natural pesticide against their major ectoparasiteProc. R. Soc. B. 288: 20212101. 20212101.
  • Topping C.J., Brown M., Chetcuti J., de Miranda J.R., Nazzi F., Neumann P., Paxton R.J., Rundlöf M., Stout J.C. (2021) - Holistic environmental risk assessment for bees. Science, 371: 897.



  • Ortis G., Frizzera D., Seffin E., Annoscia D., Nazzi F. (2019) - Honeybees use various criteria to select the site for performing the waggle dances on the comb. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 73, 58.
  • Annoscia D., et al. (2019) - Haemolymph removal byVarroa mite destabilizes the dynamical interaction between immune effectors and virus in bees, as predicted by Volterra’s model. Proc. R. Soc. B 286: 20190331.


  • Zanni V., Değirmenci L., Annoscia D., Scheiner R., Nazzi F. (2018) - The reduced brood nursing by mite-infested honey bees depends on their accelerated behavioral maturation. Journal of Insect Physiology, 109: 47-54.
  • Nazzi F., Pennacchio F. (2018) - Honey Bee Antiviral Immune Barriers as Affected by Multiple Stress Factors: A Novel Paradigm to Interpret Colony Health Decline and Collapse. Viruses 10(4), 159.



  • Nazzi F. (2016) - The hexagonal shape of the honeycomb cells depends on the construction behavior of bees. Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 28341.
  • Nazzi F., Le Conte Y. (2016) – Ecology of Varroa destructor the major ectoparasite of the western honey bee Apis mellifera. Annual Review of Entomology, 61: 417-432.
  • Sánchez-Bayo F., Goulson D., Pennacchio F., Nazzi F., Goka K., Desneux, N. (2016) - Are bee diseases linked to pesticides? - A brief review. Environment International 89–90: 7-11.
  • Di Prisco G., Annoscia D., Margiotta M., Ferrara R., Varricchio P., Zanni V., Caprio E., Nazzi F., Pennacchio F. (2016) - A mutualistic symbiosis between a parasitic mite and a pathogenic virus undermines honey bee immunity and health. PNAS, 113: 3203-3208.


  • Del Fabbro S., Gollino S., Zuliani M., Nazzi F. (2015) - Investigating the relationship between environmental factors and tick abundance in a small, highly heterogeneous region. Journal of Vector Ecology, 40: 107-116.
  • Annoscia D., Del Piccolo F., Covre F., Nazzi F. (2015) - Mite infestation during development alters the in-hive behaviour of adult honeybees. Apidologie, 46: 306-314.


  • Nazzi F., Pennacchio F. (2014) - Disentangling multiple interactions in the hive ecosystem. Trends in Parasitology 30: 556-561.


  • Nazzi F., Annoscia D., Del Fabbro S., Del Piccolo F. (2013) - Research and education for sustainability in a beekeeping project in sub-Saharan Africa. Environment, Development and Sustainability, DOI 10.1007/s10668-013-9497-2.
  • Di Prisco G., Cavaliere V., Annoscia D., Varricchio P., Caprio E., Nazzi F., Gargiulo G., Pennacchio F. (2013) - Neonicotinoid clothianidin adversely affects insect immunity and promotes replication of a viral pathogen in honey bees. PNAS, 110: 18466-18471.
  • Torto B., Carroll M.J., Duehl A., Fombong A.T., Gozansky T.K., Nazzi F., Soroker V., Teal P.E.A. (2013) - Standard methods for chemical ecology research in Apis mellifera. Journal of Apicultural Research 52 (4): 1-34.
  • Pirk C.W.W., de Miranda J.R., Kramer M., Murray T.E., Nazzi F., Shutler D., van der Steen J.J.M., van Dooremalen C. (2013) - Statistical guidelines for Apis mellifera research. Journal of Apicultural Research 52(4): 1-24.
  • Del Fabbro S., Nazzi F. (2013) - From Chemistry to Behavior. Molecular Structure and Bioactivity of Repellents against Ixodes ricinus Ticks. PLoS ONE 8(6): e67832. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0067832.
  • Dietemann V., Nazzi F., Martin S.J., Anderson D.L., Locke B., Delaplane K.S., Wauquiez Q., Tannahill C., Frey E., Ziegelmann B., Rosenkranz P., Ellis J.D. (2013) - Standard methods for varroa research. Journal of Apicultural Research, 52(1). doi: 10.3896/IBRA.


  • Annoscia D., Del Piccolo F., Nazzi F. (2012) - How does the mite Varroa destructor kill the honeybee Apis mellifera? Alteration of cuticular hydrocarbons and water loss in infested honeybees. Journal of Insect Physiology, 58: 1548-1555.


  • Del Piccolo F., Nazzi F., Della Vedova G., Milani N. (2010) - Selection of Apis mellifera workers by the parasitic mite Varroa destructor using host cuticular hydrocarbons. Parasitology, 137: 967-973.
  • Nazzi F., Martinelli E., Del Fabbro S., Bernardinelli I., Milani N., Iob A., Pischiutti P., Campello C., D’Agaro P. (2010) - Ticks and Lyme Borreliosis in an alpine area in North-Eastern Italy. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 24: 220-226.


  • Nazzi F., Bortolomeazzi R., Della Vedova G., Del Piccolo F., Annoscia D., Milani N. (2009) - Octanoic acid confers to royal jelly varroa-repellent properties. Naturwissenschaften, 96: 309-314.
  • D'Agaro P., Martinelli E., Burgnich P., Nazzi F., Del Fabbro S., Iob A., Ruscio M., Pischiutti P., Campello C. (2009) - Prevalence of tick-borne encephalitis virus in Ixodes ricinus from a novel endemic area of North Eastern Italy. Journal of Medical Virology, 81: 309-316.


  • Del Fabbro S., Nazzi F. (2008) - Repellent effect of sweet basil compounds on Ixodes ricinus ticks. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 45: 219-228.
  • Nazzi, F., Vidoni and F., Frilli F. (2008) - Semiochemicals affecting the host-related behaviour of the dry bean beetle Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say). Journal of Stored Products Research, 44: 108-114.
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