Journal Papers

Zanazzo E, Ceschia S, Schaerf A. (2025), Multi-neighborhood simulated annealing for the integrated patient-to-room and nurse-to-patient assignment problem. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal. [DOI]

Ceschia, S., Di Gaspero, L., Rosati, R.M. and Schaerf, A. (2024), Multi-neighborhood simulated annealing for the home healthcare routing and scheduling problem. Intl. Trans. in Op. Res. [DOI].

R Montemanni, S Ceschia, A Schaerf, A Compact Model for the Home Healthcare Routing and Scheduling Problem, EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, 100101 (2024). [DOI]

Roberto Maria Rosati, Andrea Schaerf, Multi-Neighborhood Simulated Annealing for the Capacitated Dispersion Problem, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 255, Part A, 2024, 124484. [DOI]

Zanazzo, Eugenia, Ceschia, Sara, Dovier, Agostino, and Schaerf, Andrea. Solving the medical student scheduling problem using simulated annealing. Journal of Scheduling (2024). [DOI]

Ceschia, Sara, and Andrea Schaerf. "Multi-neighborhood simulated annealing for the capacitated facility location problem with customer incompatibilities." Computers & Industrial Engineering 188 (2024): 109858. [DOI]

Van Bulck, David, Dries Goossens, and Andrea Schaerf. "Multi-neighbourhood simulated annealing for the ITC-2007 capacitated examination timetabling problem." Journal of Scheduling (2023): 1-16. [DOI]

Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, Vincenzo Mazzaracchio, Giuseppe Policante, Andrea Schaerf, Solving a real-world nurse rostering problem by Simulated Annealing, Operations Research for Health Care, 36, 2023. [DOI]

Carlsson, M., Ceschia, S., Di Gaspero, L., Mikkelsen, R. Ø., Schaerf, A., & Stidsen, T. J. R. . Exact and metaheuristic methods for a real-world examination timetabling problem. Journal of Scheduling (2023), 1-15. [DOI]

Ceschia, Sara, Luca Di Gaspero, and Andrea Schaerf. "Educational timetabling: Problems, benchmarks, and state-of-the-art results." European Journal of Operational Research 308.1 (2023): 1-18. [DOI]

Ceschia, S., Roitero, K., Demartini, G., Mizzaro, S., Di Gaspero, L., & Schaerf, A. (2022). Task design in complex crowdsourcing experiments: Item assignment optimization. Computers & Operations Research, 148, 105995.[DOI]

Maia, M.R.H., Reula, M., Parreño-Torres, C. et al. Metaheuristic techniques for the capacitated facility location problem with customer incompatibilities. Soft Computing (2022). [DOI]

Roberto Maria Rosati, Matteo Petris, Luca Di Gaspero, Andrea Schaerf, Multi-neighborhood simulated annealing for the sports timetabling. Journal of Scheduling 25, 301–319 (2022). [DOI]

Arnaud De Coster, Nysret Musliu, Andrea Schaerf, Johannes Schoisswohl, and Kate Smith-Miles. Algorithm selection and instance space analysis for curriculum-based course timetabling. Journal of Scheduling, 25:35--58, 2022. [DOI ]

Maximilian Moser, Nysret Musliu, Andrea Schaerf, and Felix Winter. Exact and metaheuristic approaches for unrelated parallel machine scheduling. Journal of Scheduling, 25:507–534, 2022. [DOI ]

Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, Roberto Maria Rosati, and Andrea Schaerf. Multi-neighborhood simulated annealing for the minimum interference frequency assignment problem. EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, pages 1--32, 2021. [DOI | http ]

Florian Mischek, Nysret Musliu, and Andrea Schaerf. Local search approaches for the test laboratory scheduling problem with variable task grouping. Journal of Scheduling, 2021. [DOI ]

Ruggero Bellio, Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, and Andrea Schaerf. Two-stage multi-neighborhood simulated annealing for uncapacitated examination timetabling. Computers & Operations Research, 132:105300, 2021. [DOI | http | .pdf ]

Edoardo Bastianetto, Sara Ceschia, and Andrea Schaerf. Solving a home energy management problem by simulated annealing. Optimization Letters, 15:1553--1564, 2021. [DOI | http | .pdf ]

Sara Ceschia, Rosita Guido, and Andrea Schaerf. Solving the static INRC-II nurse rostering problem by simulated annealing based on large neighborhoods. Annals of Operations Research, 288:95--113, 2020. [DOI | http | .pdf ]

Davide Armellini, Paolo Borzone, Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, and Andrea Schaerf. Modeling and solving the steelmaking and casting scheduling problem. International Transactions in Operational Research, 27:57--90, 2020. [DOI | http | .pdf ]

Sara Ceschia, Nguyen Thi Thanh Dang, Patrick De Causmaecker, Stefaan Haspeslagh, and Andrea Schaerf. The second international nurse rostering competition. Annals of Operations Research, 274(1--2):171--186, 2019. [DOI | .pdf ]

Michele Battistutta, Sara Ceschia, Fabio De Cesco, Luca Di Gaspero, and Andrea Schaerf. Modeling and solving the thesis defense timetabling problem. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 70(7), 2019. [DOI | .pdf ]

Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, and Andrea Schaerf. Solving discrete lot-sizing and scheduling by simulated annealing and mixed integer programming. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 114:235--243, 2017. [DOI | .pdf ]

Alex Bonutti, Sara Ceschia, Fabio De Cesco, Nysret Musliu, and Andrea Schaerf. Modeling and solving a real-life multi-skill shift design problem. Annals of Operations Research, 252(2):365--382, 2017. [DOI | .pdf ]

Michele Battistutta, Andrea Schaerf, and Tommaso Urli. Feature-based tuning of single-stage simulated annealing for examination timetabling. Annals of Operations Research, 252(2):239--254, 2017. [DOI | .pdf ]

Gerhard Post, Luca Di Gaspero, Jeffrey H. Kingston, Barry McCollum, and Andrea Schaerf. The third international timetabling competition. Annals of Operations Research, 239(1):69--75, 2016. [DOI ]

Sara Ceschia and Andrea Schaerf. Dynamic patient admission scheduling with operating room constraints, flexible horizons, and patient delays. Journal of Scheduling, 19(4):377--389, 2016. [DOI | .pdf ]

Ruggero Bellio, Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, Andrea Schaerf, and Tommaso Urli. Feature-based tuning of simulated annealing applied to the curriculum-based course timetabling problem. Computers & Operations Research, 65:83--92, 2016. [DOI | .pdf ]

Andrea Schaerf. Comments on: An overview of curriculum-based course timetabling. TOP, 23(2):362--365, 2015. [DOI | .pdf ]

Gerhard Post, Jeffrey Kingston, Samad Ahmadi, Sophia Daskalaki, Christos Gogos, Jari Kyngas, Cimmo Nurmi, Nysret Musliu, Nelishia Pillay, Haroldo Santos, and Andrea Schaerf. XHSTT: an XML archive for high school timetabling problems in different countries. Annals of Operations Research, 218(1):295--301, 2014. [DOI | .pdf ]

Stefaan Haspeslagh, Patrick De Causmaecker, Martin Stølevik, and Andrea Schaerf. The first international nurse rostering competition 2010. Annals of Operations Research, 218(1):221--236, 2014. [DOI | .pdf ]

Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, and Andrea Schaerf. The generalized balanced academic curriculum problem with heterogeneous classes. Annals of Operations Research, 218(1):147--163, 2014. [DOI | .pdf ]

Sara Ceschia, Andrea Schaerf, and Thomas Stützle. Local search techniques for a routing-packing problem. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 66(4):1138--1149, 2013. [DOI | .pdf ]

Sara Ceschia and Andrea Schaerf. Local search for a multi-drop multi-container loading problem. Journal of Heuristics, 19(2):275--294, 2013. [.pdf ]

Marco Chiarandini, Luca Di Gaspero, Stefano Gualandi, and Andrea Schaerf. The balanced academic curriculum problem revisited. Journal of Heuristics, 18(1):119--148, 2012. [DOI | .pdf ]

Sara Ceschia and Andrea Schaerf. Modeling and solving the dynamic patient admission scheduling problem under uncertainty. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 56(3):199--205, 2012. [DOI | .pdf ]

Ruggero Bellio, Luca Di Gaspero, and Andrea Schaerf. Design and statistical analysis of a hybrid local search algorithm for course timetabling. Journal of Scheduling, 15(1):49--61, 2012. [DOI | .pdf ]

Alex Bonutti, Fabio De Cesco, Luca Di Gaspero, and Andrea Schaerf. Benchmarking curriculum-based course timetabling: Formulations, data formats, instances, validation, and results. Annals of Operations Research, 194(1):59--70, 2012. [DOI | .pdf ]

Luca Di Gaspero, Giacomo Di Tollo, Andrea Roli, and Andrea Schaerf. Hybrid metaheuristics for constrained portfolio selection problem. Quantitative Finance, 11(10):1473--1488, 2011. [DOI | .pdf ]

Sara Ceschia and Andrea Schaerf. Local search and lower bounds for the patient admission scheduling problem. Computers & Operations Research, 38(10):1452--1463, 2011. [DOI | .pdf ]

Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, and Andrea Schaerf. Tabu search techniques for the heterogeneous vehicle routing problem with time windows and carrier-dependent costs. Journal of Scheduling, 14(6):601--615, 2011. [DOI | .pdf ]

Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, and Andrea Schaerf. Design, engineering, and experimental analysis of a simulated annealing approach to the post-enrolment course timetabling problem. Computers & Operations Research, 39(7):1615--1624, 2011. [DOI | .pdf ]

Barry McCollum, Andrea Schaerf, Ben Paechter, Paul McMullan, Rhyd Lewis, Andrew J. Parkes, Luca Di Gaspero, Rong Qu, and Edmund K. Burke. Setting the research agenda in automated timetabling: The second international timetabling competition. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 22(1):120--130, 2010. [DOI ]

Luca Di Gaspero and Andrea Schaerf. A composite-neighborhood tabu search approach to the traveling tournament problem. Journal of Heuristics, 13(2):189--207, April 2007. [DOI | .pdf ]

Luca Di Gaspero, Johannes Gärtner, Guy Kortsarz, Nysret Musliu, Andrea Schaerf, and Wolfgang Slany. The minimum shift design problem. Annals of Operations Research, 155:79--105, 2007. [DOI ]

Luca Di Gaspero and Andrea Schaerf. Neighborhood portfolio approach for local search applied to timetabling problems. Journal of Mathematical Modeling and Algorithms, 5(1):65--89, 2006. [DOI | .pdf ]

Marco Cadoli and Andrea Schaerf. Compiling problem specifications into SAT. Artificial Intelligence, 162:89--120, 2005. [DOI | .pdf ]

Nysret Musliu, Andrea Schaerf, and Wolfgang Slany. Local search for shift design. European Journal of Operational Research, 153:51--64, 2004. [.pdf ]

Luca Di Gaspero and Andrea Schaerf. Il problema della generazione automatica dell'orario delle lezioni: teoria e pratica. Intelligenza Artificiale, 1(3):47--54, 2004. In Italian. [.pdf ]

Luca Di Gaspero and Andrea Schaerf. EasyLocal++: An object-oriented framework for flexible design of local search algorithms. Software --- Practice & Experience, 33(8):733--765, July 2003. [DOI | .pdf ]

Amnon Meisels and Andrea Schaerf. Modelling and solving employee timetabling problems. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 39(1-2):41--59, 2003. [.pdf ]

Andrea Schaerf. Local search techniques for constrained portfolio selection problems. Computational Economics, 20(3):177--190, 2002. [.pdf ]

Andrea Schaerf, Marco Cadoli, and Maurizio Lenzerini. Local++: A C++ framework for local search algorithms. Software -- Practice & Experience, 30(3):233--257, 2000. [.pdf ]

Marco Cadoli, Giovambattista Ianni, Luigi Palopoli, Andrea Schaerf, and Domenico Vasile. NP-Spec: An executable specification language for solving all problems in NP. Computer Languages, 26:165--195, 2000. [.pdf ]

Andrea Schaerf. Local search techniques for large high-school timetabling problems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics--- Part A: Systems and Humans, 29(4):368--377, 1999. [.pdf ]

Andrea Schaerf. Scheduling sport tournaments using constraint logic programming. CONSTRAINTS, 4(1):43--65, 1999. [.pdf ]

Andrea Schaerf. A survey of automated timetabling. Artificial Intelligence Review, 13(2):87--127, 1999. [.pdf ]

Francesco M. Donini, Maurizio Lenzerini, Daniele Nardi, and Andrea Schaerf. al-log: integrating datalog and description logics. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 10(227--252), 1998. [.pdf ]

Francesco M. Donini, Maurizio Lenzerini, Daniele Nardi, Werner Nutt, and Andrea Schaerf. Adding epistemic operators to description logics. Artificial Intelligence, 100(1-2):225--274, 1998. [.pdf ]

Martin Buchheit, Francesco M. Donini, Werner Nutt, and Andrea Schaerf. A refined architecture for terminological systems: Terminology = schema + views. Artificial Intelligence, 99(2):209--260, 1998. [.pdf ]

Krzysztof R. Apt, Jacob Brunekreef, Vincent Partington, and Andrea Schaerf. Alma-0: An imperative language that supports declarative programming. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 20(5):1014--1066, 1998. [.pdf ]

Andrea Schaerf, Yoav Shoham, and Moshe Tennenholtz. Adaptive load balancing: a study in multi-agent learning. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 2:475--500, 1995. [.pdf ]

Andrea Schaerf. Reasoning with individuals in concept languages. Data Knowledge Engineering, 13(2):141--176, 1994. [.pdf ]

Francesco M. Donini, Maurizio Lenzerini, Daniele Nardi, and Andrea Schaerf. Deduction in concept languages: From subsumption to instance checking. Journal of Logic and Computation, 4(4):423--452, 1994. [.pdf ]

Andrea Schaerf. On the complexity of the instance checking problem in concept languages with existential quantification. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 2:265--278, 1993.

Martin Buchheit, Francesco M. Donini, and Andrea Schaerf. Decidable reasoning in terminological knowledge representation systems. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 1:109--138, 1993. [.pdf ]

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