Università degli Studi di Udine
1988 Degree in Biology Universita’ of Trieste with 110/110 and laude
1989 Attended EMBO course "Antibodies in Cell Biology" European Molecular Biology Laboratory Heidelberg Germany.
1991 Attended FEBS course "Techniques in Cell Biology" Aarhus University Denmark.
1995 Attended EMBO course " Tissue in situ hybridization in animal developmental biology" University of New Castle Medical School (UK).
Visiting scientist
1997 Chinese University of Hong-Kong (China)
1999 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory New York (USA)
Research activities
1986-1988: Undergraduate student - Department of Biology, University of Trieste. Field of study: Immunology.
1988 – 1991 Post-graduate fellow at the ICGEB-UNIDO International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Trieste (ITALY). Field of study: Cellular and Molecular Biology. Characterization of proteins down-regulated during cellular transformation.
1991-1994 Post-doctoral fellow at the L.N.C.I.B. Laboratorio Nazionale Consorzio Interuniversitario per le Biotecnologie AREA Science Park Trieste (ITALY). Field of study: Cellular and Molecular Biology. Working on the molecular and cellular aspect of the Go phase of the cell cycle. Characterization of the genes expressed during growth arrest.
1995- 1998. Assistant professor at the University of Udine Medical School. Field of study: Cellular and Molecular Biology, Molecular Genetics. Working on the cellular and molecular aspect of apoptosis. Identification of caspase substrates and studies on their relevance in the apoptotic program. Molecular genetics of the peripheral neuropathies.
1999. Visiting scientist – Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory NY USA. Field of study: Cellular and Molecular Biology of the cell death.
2001-2012: Associate Professor of Biology at the Department of Biomedical Science, Medical School University of Udine (ITALY). Group leader. Field of study: Cell and Molecular Biology, Molecular Pharmacology, Molecular genetics, In vivo imaging. Characterization of genes and drugs triggering cell death, in order to develop new anti-tumor therapies.
2013-up to now Full Professor of Biology at the Department of Biology and Medicine University of Udine (ITALY). Field of study: Cell and Molecular Biology, Cancer Biology. Studies on the MEF2-class IIa HDACs regulative axis.