Assegno di Ricerca: Conoscenza e valorizzazione dell’insediamento di Torviscosa | Knowledge and promotion of Torviscosa settlement (Udine)
work packages and main tasks
WP1 - state of the art
- WP 1.1 - literature review
- WP 1.2 - architectural journals review
- WP 1.3 - archival research
- WP 1.4 - International references review
- WP 1.5 - local initiatives information
WP2 - revision and improvement of documentation, drawings and pictures
- WP 2.1 - students' materials
- WP 2.2 - SNIA archive documents
- WP 2.3 - documentation from administrations
WP3 - collection of new information and data
- WP 3.1 - interviews
- WP 3.2 - archival search - consorzio di bonifica
- WP 3.3 - archival search - archivio di stato di udine
- WP 3.4 - on site survey
WP4 - production of new documentation material
- WP 4.1 - Definition of general contents
- WP 4.2 - Contents for standard users
- WP 4.3 - Contents for special users
- WP 4.4 - English translation of contents
WP5 - thematic itineraries
- WP 5.1 - Paths for architectural works
- WP 5.2 - Parhs for other buildings and structures
- WP 5.3 - Paths in the territory
- WP 5.4 - Paths for the houses
- WP 5.5 - Connection with existing mobility (railway, routes and cycle lanes)
WP6 - thematic networks
- WP 6.1 - national network
- WP 6.2 - international network
WP7 - events
- WP 7.1 - opening of the exhibition and public presentation “The houses of Torviscosa”
- WP 7.2 - meetings with associations and professionals
WP8 - promotion
- WP 8.1 - exhibition “The houses of Torviscosa, 20th century company town”
- WP 8.2 - educational and tourist initiatives
- WP 8.3 - communication: newspaper, website, newsletter, etc...
WP9 - products
- WP 9.1 - definition of milestones and contents<
- WP 9.2 - exhibition and catalogue
- WP 9.3 - scientific publications
- WP 9.4 - thematic maps and brochures
WP10 - management and reporting