
My overall H index is 28 (source: Scopus, last update: 01/06/2023).  Since 2005, I have published 104 papers distributed among international journals (75), national journals (14), book chapters (13) and books (2).  My journal papers have been cited a total of 3492 times. The most cited paper has 767 citations. 

Publications on ISI/SCOPUS journals:

1.Spielmann F.M., Hammerle A., Kitz F., Gerdel K., Alberti G., Peressotti A., Delle Vedove G., Wohlfart G. (2023) On the variability of the leaf relative uptake rate of carbonyl sulfide compared to carbon dioxide: Insights from a paired field study with two soybean varieties. Agriculture and Forest Meteorology, 338: 109504

2.Hordijk I., Maynard D.S., Hart S.P., …., Alberti G., et al. (2023) Evenness mediates the global relationship between forest productivity and richness. Journal of Ecology

3.Acebron K., Salvatori N., Alberti G., Muller O., Peressotti A., Rascher U., Matsubara S. (2023) Elucidating the photosynthetic responses in chlorophyll-deficient soybean (Glycine max, L.) cultivar. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, 100152

4.Mahmoodi M.B., Kooch Y., Alberti G. (2023) Tree species is more effective than season dynamics on topsoil function and CO2 emissions in the temperate forests. Ecological Research, 38:134–145.

5.Liang J. Gamarra J.G.P., Picard N., Zhou M., …, Alberti G., … Hui C. (2022) Co-limitation toward lower latitudes shapes global forest diversity gradients. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 6 : 1423–1437.

6.Olmo V., Sigura M., Alberti G. (2022) Forest plantations with public subsidies: to harvest or not to harvest, this is the question. iForest, 15 : 229-233

7.Foscari A., Alberti G., Zotti M., Incerti G. (2022) Species-specific DNA distribution in spruce-beech forest soil. Environmental DNA, 4:1120–1135.

8.Salvatori N., Alberti G., Onno M., Peressotti A. (2022) Does Fluctuating Light Affect Crop Yield? A Focus on the Dynamic Photosynthesis of Two Soybean Varieties. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13: 862275.

9.Cazzolla Gatti R., Reich P.B., Gamarra, J.G.P., Crowther T., Hui C., Morera A., … Alberti G., … Liang J. (2022) The number of tree species on Earth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 119 (6): e2115329119.

10.Salvatori N., Carteni F., Giannino F., Alberti G., Mazzoleni S., Peressotti A. (2022) A System Dynamics approach to model photosynthesis at leaf level under fluctuating light. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12: 787877.

11.Vuerich M., Braidotti R., Sivilotti P., Alberti G., Casolo V., Braidot E., Boscutti F., Calderan A., Petrussa E. (2021) Response of Merlot grapevine to drought is associated to adjustments of growth and nonstructural carbohydrates allocation in above and underground organs. Water, 13: 2336.

12.Salvatori N., Alberti G., Muller O., Rascher U., Peressotti A. (2021) A low-cost automated growth chamber system for continuous measurements of gas exchange at canopy scale in dynamic conditions. Plant Methods, 17: 69.

13.Pellegrini E., Boscutti F., Alberti G., Casolo V., Contin M., De Nobili M. (2021) Stand age, degree of encroachment and soil characteristics modulate changes of C and N cycles in dry grassland soils invaded by the N2-fixing shrub Amorpha. Science of the Total Environment. 792: 148295.

14.Palandrani C., Motta R., Cherubini P., Curovic M., Dukic V., Tonon G., Ceccon C., Peressotti A., Alberti G. (2021) Evidence for a long-term increase in tree growth and intrinsic water use efficiency in three old-growth forests in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro. iForest, 14 : 53-60.

15.Bayranvand M., Akbarinia M., Jouzani G.S., Gharechahi J., Alberti G. (2021) Dynamics of humus forms and soil characteristics along a forest altitudinal gradient in Hyrcanian forest. iForest, 14 : 26-33.

16.Palandrani C., Battipaglia G., Alberti G. (2020) Influence of tree species richness on tree growth and intrinsic water use efficiency after drought in tree plantations in North-eastern Italy. European Journal of Forest Research, 139 : 869-877.

17.Genesio L., Bright R., Alberti G., Peressotti A., Delle Vedove G., Incerti G., Toscano P., Rinaldi M., Muller O., Miglietta F. (2020) A Chlorophyll-deficient, highly reflective soybean mutant: radiative forcing and yield gaps. Environmental Research Letters, 15: 074014

18.Boscutti F., Pellegrini E., Casolo V.,  de Nobili  M., Buccheri  M., Alberti G. (2020) Cascading effects from plant to soil elucidate how the invasive Amorpha fruticosa L. impacts dry grasslands. Journal of Vegetation Science, 31 : 667-677.

19.Zohner C.M., Lidong M., Renner S.S., Svenning J.C., Vitasse Y., Benito B.M., Ordonez A., Baumgarten F., Bastin J.F., Sebald V., Reich P.B., Liang J., Nabuurs G.J., de-Miguel S., Alberti G., Fernandez C.A., et al. (2020) Late-spring frost risk between 1959 and 2017 decreased in North america but increased in Europe and Asia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 117: 12192–12200.

20.Pinto F, Celesti M., Acebron K., Alberti G., Cogliati S., Colombo R, Juszczak R, Matsubara S., Miglietta F., Palombo A., Panigada C., Pignatti S., Rossini M., Sakowska K., Schickling A., Schüttemeyer D., Strozecki M., Tudoroiu M., Rascher U. (2020) Dynamics of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and reflectance to detect induced variations in photosynthetic efficiency. Plant, Cell and Environment, 43: 1637-1654.

21.Della Longa G., Boscutti F., Marini L., Alberti G. (2020) Coppicing and plant diversity in a lowland wood remnant in North-East Italy. Plant Biosystems, 154: 173-180.

22.Palandrani C., Alberti G. (2020) Tree derived soil carbon is enhanced by tree species richness and functional diversity. Plant & Soil, 446: 457-469.

23.Kooch Y., Moghimian N., Alberti G. (2020) C and N cycle under beech and hornbeam tree species in the Iranian oldgrowth forests. Catena, 187

24.Ostrogović Sever M.Z., Alberti G., Delle Vedove G., Marjanović H. (2019) Temporal Evolution of Carbon Stocks, Fluxes and Carbon Balance in Pedunculate oak Chronosequence under Close-To-Nature Forest Management. Forests, 10: 814-839.

25.Steidinger B.S., Crowther T.W., Liang J., Van Nuland M.E., Werner G.D.A., …, Alberti G., … Peay K.G. (2019). Climatic controls of decomposition drive the global biogeography of forest tree symbioses. Nature, 569 : 404-413

26.Spielmann F.M., Kitz F., Hammerle A., Gerde K., Alberti G., Delle Vedove G., Ibrom A., Karl T., Kolle O., Migliavacca M., El-Madany T.S., Moreno G., Peressoti A., Wohlfahrt G. (2019) Gross primary productivity of four European ecosystems constrained by joint CO2 and COS flux measurements. Geophysical Research Letters, 46

27.Noumonvi K.D., Ferlan M., Eler K., Alberti G., Peressotti A., Cerasoli S. (2019) Estimation of carbon fluxes from eddy covariance data and satellite-derived vegetation indices in a karst grassland (Podgorski Kras, Slovenia). Remote Sensing, 11 : 649-670.

28.Sakowska K., MacArtur A., Gianelle D., Dalponte M., Alberti G., Gioli B., Miglietta F., Pitacco A., Meggio F., Fava F., Julitta T., Rossini Micol, Rocchini D., Vescovo L. (2019) Assessing across-scale optical diversity and productivity relationships in grasslands of the Italian Alps. Remote Sensing, 11 : 614-629.

29.Degu A., Hochberg U., Wong D.C.J., Alberti G., Lazarovitch N., Peterlunger E., Castellarin S.D., Herrera J.C., Fait A. (2019) Swift metabolite changes and leaf shedding are milestones in the acclimation process of grapevine under prolonged water stress. BMC Plant Biology, 19 : 69

30.Ventura M., Alberti G., Panzacchi P., Delle Vedove G., Miglietta F., Tonon G. (2019) Biochar mineralization and priming effect in a poplar short rotation coppice from a three-year field experiment. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 55 : 67-78.

31.Anić M., Ostrogović M.Z., Alberti G., Balenović I., Paladinić E., Peressotti A., Tijan G., Večenaj Z., Vuletić D., Marjanović H. (2018) Eddy Covariance vs. Biometric Based Estimates of Net Primary Productivity of Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur L.) Forest in Croatia during Ten Years. Forests, 9: 764-799.

32.Gerhards M., Schlerf M., Rasche U., Undelhoven T., Juszczak R., Alberti G., Miglietta F., Inoue Y. (2018) Analysis of Airborne Optical and Thermal Imagery for Detection of Water Stress Symptoms. Remote Sensing, 10 : 1139-1162.

33.Sakowska K., Alberti G., Genesio L., Peressotti A., Delle Vedove G., Gianelle D., Colombo R., Rodeghiero M., Panigada C., Juszczak R., Celesti M., Rossini M., Haworth M., Campbell B.W., Mevy J.P., Vescovo L., Cendrero-Mateo M.P., Rascher U., Miglietta F. (2018) Leaf and canopy photosynthesis of a chlorophyll deficient soybean mutant. Plant, Cell and Environment , 41 : 1427-1437.

34.Bayranvand M., Kooch Y., Alberti G. (2018) Classification of humus forms in Caspian Hyrcanian mixed forests ecoregion (Iran): Comparison between two classification methods. Catena, 165: 390-397.

35.Baronti S., Alberti G., Genesio L., Criscuoli I., Camin F., Vaccari F.P., Ziller L., Massa R., Miglietta F. (2017) Hydrochar enhances growth of poplar for bioenergy while marginally contributing to direct soil carbon sequestration. Global Change Biology and Bioenergy, 9: 1618-1626.

36.Alberti G., Nock C., Fornasier F., Scherer-Lorenzen M., De Nobili M., Peressotti A., Hoenig L., Bruelheide H., Bauhus J. (2017) Tree functional diversity influences belowground ecosystem functioning. Applied Soil Ecology, 120 : 260-168.

37.Herrera J., Hochberg U., Degu A., Sabbatini P., Lazarovitch N., Castellarin .D., Fait A., Alberti G., Peterlunger E. (2017) Grape Metabolic Response to Post-Veraison Water Deficit is Affected by Inter-Season Weather Variability. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 65(29): 5868-5878.

38.Mariotti B., Alberti G., Maltoni A., Tani A. (2017) Beech coppice conversion to high forest: results from a 31 year experiment in Eastern Pre-Alps. Annals of Forest Science, 74: 44.

39.Dondini M., G. Alberti, G. Delle Vedove, M. Ventura, G. Tonon, M. Viger, Z.M. Harris, J.R. Jenkins, M. Richards, M. Pogson, G. Taylor, J. U. Smith, P. Smith (2017) Evaluation of the ECOSSE model to predict heterotrophic soil respiration by direct measurements. European Journal of Soil Science, 68: 384-293

40.Jenkins J, Viger M., Arnold E., Harris Z., Ventura M., Miglietta F., Girardin C., Edwards R., Rumpel C., Zavalloni C., Fornasier F., Tonon G., Alberti G., Taylor G. (2017) Biochar alters the soil microbiome and soil function: results of next generation amplicon sequencing across Europe. Global Change Biology and Bioenergy, 9: 591-612.

41.Criscuoli I., S. Baronti, G. Alberti, C. Rumpel, M. Giordan, F. Camin, L. Ziller, C. Martinez, E. Pusceddu, F. Miglietta (2017) Anthropogenic charcoal-rich soils of the XIX century reveal that biochar leads to enhanced fertility and fodder quality of alpine grasslands. Plant and Soil, 411: 499-516.

42.Harris Z., Alberti G., Jenkins, J., Rowe R., McNamara N., Taylor G. (2017) Land use change to bioenergy: grassland to short rotation coppice willow has an improved carbon balance. Global Change Biology and Bioenergy, 9: 469-484.

43.Bayranvand M., Kooch Y., Hosseini S.M., Alberti G. (2017) Humus forms in relation to altitude and forest type in the Northern mountainous regions of Iran. Forest Ecology and Management, 385: 78-86.

44.Hochberg U., Herrera J.C., Degu A., Castellarin S.D., Peterlunger E., Alberti G., Lazarovitch N. (2017) Evaporative demand determines the relative transpirational sensitivity of deficit irrigated grapevines. Irrigation Science, 35: 1-9.

45.Liang J., Crowther T.W., Picard N., Wiser S., Zhou M., Alberti G., Schulze E.D., et al. (2016) Positive Biodiversity–Productivity Relationship Predominant in Global Forests. Science, 354: aaf8957-1 - aaf8957-12

46.M. Dondini, M. Richards, M. Pogson, J. McCalmont, J. Drewer, R. Marshall, L. Siebicke, S. Yamulki, Z. Harris, G. Alberti, G. Taylor, M. Perks, J. Finch, N. P. McNamara, J. U. Smith, P. Smith (2016) Simulation of greenhouse gases following land-use change to bioenergy crops using the ECOSSE model. A comparison between site measurements and model predictions. Global Change Biology & Bioenergy, 8: 925-940.

47.Kooch Y., Moghimian N., Bayranvand M., Alberti G. (2016) Changes of soil carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide fluxes in relation to land use/cover management. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 188: 346

48.Mosetti D., Herrera J.C., Sabbatini P., Green A., Alberti G., Peterlungher E., Kisjak K., Castellarin S.D. (2016) Impact of leaf removal after berry set on fruit composition and bunch rot in 'Sauvignon blanc'. Vitis, 55: 57-64.

49.Martinez C, Alberti G, Cotrufo MF, Cescatti A, Magnani F, Camin F, Zanotelli D, Gianelle D, Rodeghiero M (2016) Belowground carbon allocation patterns as determined by the in-growth soil core 13C technique across different ecosystem types. Geoderma, 263: 140-150.

50.Ventura M, Alberti G, Viger M, Girardin C, Baronti S, Rumpel C, Miglietta F, Tonon G (2015) Biochar mineralization and priming effect on SOM decomposition in two European short rotation coppices. Global Change Biology and Bioenergy, 7: 1150-1160.

51.Alberti G., Vicca S., Inglima I., Belelli-Marchesini L., Genesio L., Miglietta F., Marjanovic H., Martinez C., Matteucci G., D’Andrea E., Peressotti A., Petrella F., Rodeghiero M., Cotrufo M.F. (2015) Soil C:N stoichiometry controls carbon sink partitioning between above-ground tree biomass and soil organic matter in high fertility forests. I-Forest, 8 : 195-206.

52.Spinelli R., Magagnotti N., Di Fulvio F., Bergström D., Danelon M., Alberti G. (2014) Comparison of the cost efficiency of mechanized fuel wood thinning systems for hardwood plantations on farmland. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering, 35: 111-123.

53.Ameloot N, Steven S, Case S, Alberti G, McNamara N, Zavalloni C, Vervisch B, Delle Vedove G,  De Neve S (2014) C mineralization and microbial activity in four biochar field experiments several years after incorporation. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 78: 195-203.

54.Vicca S, Bahn M, Estiarte M, Vargas R, Alberti G, Ambus P, Arain A, Beier C, Bentley LP, Borken W, Buchmann N, Collins SL, de Dato G Dukes JS, Escolar C, Fay P, Guidolotti G, Hanson PJ, Kahmen A, Kröel-Dulay G, Ladreiter-Knauss T, Larsen KS, Lellei-Kovacs E, Lebrija-Trejos E, Maestre FT, Marhan S, Marshall M, Meir P, Miao Y, Muhr J, Niklaus PA, Ogaya R, Peñuelas J, Poll C, Rustad LE, Savage K, Schindlbacher A, Schmidt IK, Smith AR, Sotta ED, Suseela V, Tietema A, van Gestel N, van Loon EE, van Straaten O, Wan S, Weber U, Janssens IA (2014) Can current moisture responses of soil respiration be extrapolated into the future? A synthesis of precipitation manipulation experiments. Biogeosciences 11: 2991-3013. doi: 10.5194/bg-11-2991-2014.

55.Criscuoli I, Alberti G, Baronti S, Favilli F, Martinez C, et al. (2014) Carbon Sequestration and Fertility after Centennial Time Scale Incorporation of Charcoal into Soil. PLoS ONE 9(3): e91114. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0091114.

56.De Simon G., Alberti G., Delle Vedove G., Peressotti A., Zaldei A., Miglietta F. (2013) Cropland responses to late winter temperature extreme events: results from a field manipulation experiment in north-eastern Italy. Biogeosciences, 10: 5545-5553

57.Lugato E., Alberti G., Gioli B., Kaplan J.O., Peressotti A., Miglietta F. (2013) Long-term pan evaporation observations: a precious resource to understand the water cycle trend. Hydrological Sciences Journal. DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2013.813947

58.Alberti G., Boscutti F., Pirotti F., Bertacco C., Barilotti A., De Simon G., Sigura M., Cazorzi F., Bonfanti P. (2013) A LiDAR-based approach for a multi-purpose characterization of Alpine forests: an Italian case study. i-Forest, 6 : 156-168.

59.Rees RM,  Agustin J,  Alberti G, Ball BC, Boeckx P, Canterel A; Castaldi S; Chirinda N; Chojnicki B; Giebels M, Gordon H; Horvath L; Juszczak R; Kasimir Klemedtsson Å; Klemedtsson L;  Medinets S; Machon A; Mapanda F, Olesen J; Reay D; Sanchez L;  Smith KA; Sowerby A; Sommer M; Soussana JF; Stenberg M; Topp CFE; van Cleemput O; Vallejo A, Watson CA, Wuta M (2013) Nitrous oxide emissions from European agriculture; an analysis of variability and drivers of emissions from field experiments. Biogeosciences, 10: 2671-2682.

60.Gundersen P., Christiansen J. R., Alberti, G., Brüggemann N., Castaldi S., Gasche R., Kitzler B., Klemedtsson L., Lobo-do-Vale R., Moldan F., Rütting T., Schleppi P., Weslien P., Zechmeister-Boltenstern S. (2012) The response of methane and nitrous oxide fluxes to forest change in Europe. Biogeosciences, 9: 3999-4012. doi:10.5194/bg-9-3999-2012.

61.De Simon G., Alberti G., Delle Vedove G., Zerbi G., Peressotti A. (2012) Influence of forest management on net ecosystem production across two different Italian chronosequences. European Journal of Forest Research, 131: 1297-1311. 

62.Alberti G., Leronni V., Piazzi M., Petrella F., Mairota P., Peressotti A., Piussi P., Valentini R., Gristina L., La Mantia T., Novara A., Rühl J. (2011) Impact of woody encroachment on soil organic carbon and nitrogen in abandoned agricultural lands along a rainfall gradient in Italy. Regional Environmental Change, 11 : 917-924. 

63.Zavalloni C., Alberti G., Biasiol S., Delle Vedove G., Fornasier F., Liu J., Peressotti A. (2011) Microbial mineralization of biochar and wheat straw mixture in soil: a short-term study. Applied Soil Ecology, 50 : 45-51.

64.Cotrufo M.F., Alberti G., Inglima I., Marjanović H.,  LeCain D. , Zaldei A.,  Peressotti A., Miglietta F. (2011) Changes in summer drought intensity affect soil carbon accumulation in Mediterranean woodland. Biogeoscience, 8 : 2729-2739.

65.Marjanović H., Ostrogović M.Z., Alberti G., Balenović I., Paladinić E., Indir K., Peressotti A., Vuletić D. (2011) Carbon dynamics in younger stands of Pedunculate oak during two vegetation periods. Sumarski List, 135 (13): 59-73

66.Ferlan M., Alberti G., Eler K., Batič F., Peressotti A., Miglietta F., Zaldei A., Simončič P., Vodnik D. (2011) Comparing carbon fluxes between different stages of secondary succession of a karst grassland. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 140 : 199-207.

67.Baronti S., Alberti G., Delle Vedove G., Di Gennaro F., Fellet G., Genesio L., Miglietta F., Peressotti A., Vaccari F.P. (2010) The biochar option to improve plant yields: first results from some field and pot experiments in Italy. Italian Journal of Agronomy, 5: 3-11.

68.Lugato E., Zuliani M., Alberti G., Delle Vedove G., Gioli G., Miglietta F., Peressotti P. (2010) Spatial application of  DNDC biogeochemistry model and its potentiality for estimating GHG emissions from Italian agricultural areas. Agriculture, Ecosystems and environment,139: 546-556  

69.Alberti G., Delle Vedove G., Zuliani M., Peressotti A., Castaldi S., Zerbi G. (2010) Changes in CO2 emissions after crop conversion from continuous maize to alfalfa. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 136: 139-147.

70.Alberti G., Peressotti A., Piussi P., Zerbi G. (2009) - Structure and stand development of secondary forests in Eastern Prealps (Italy). Dendrochronologia, 27: 173-181.

71.Inglima I., Alberti G., Bertolini T., Vaccari F.P., Miglietta F., Cotrufo M.F., Peressotti A. (2009) Precipitation pulses enhance respiration of  Mediterranean ecosystems:  the balance between organic and inorganic components of increased soil CO2 efflux. Global Change Biology, 15: 1289-1301.  

72.Campbell J.L., Alberti G., Martin J., Law B.E. (2009) Carbon dynamics of a Ponderosa pine plantation following fuel reduction treatment in the northern Sierra Nevada. Forest Ecology and Management, 257: 453-463.

73.Matese A., Alberti G., Gioli B., Vaccari F.P., Toscano P., Zaldei A. (2008) Compact EDDY: a compact, low consumption eddy covariance logging system. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 64: 343-346.

74.Alberti G., Peressotti A., Piussi P., Zerbi G. (2008) Forest ecosystem carbon accumulation during a secondary succession on Eastern Prealps (Italy). Forestry, 81: 1-11.

75.Alberti G., Candido P., Peressotti A., Turco S., Piussi P., Zerbi G. (2005) - Aboveground biomass relationships for mixed ash (Fraxinus excelsior L. and Ulmus glabra Hudson) stands in Eastern Prealps of Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy). Annals of Forest Science, 62: 831-836.


Publications on not ISI journals:

76.Chirici G, Giannetti F, Travaglini D, Nocentini S, Francini S, D’Amico G, Calvo E, Fasolini D, Broll M, Maistrelli F, Tonner J, Pietrogiovanna M, Oberlechner K, Andriolo A, Comino R, Faidiga A, Pasutto I, Carraro G, Zen S, Contarin F, Alfonsi L, Wolynski A, Zanin M, Gagliano C, Tonolli S, Zoanetti R, Tonetti R, Cavalli R, Lingua E, Pirotti F, Grigolato S, Bellingeri D, Zini E, Gianelle D, Dalponte M, Pompei E, Stefani A, Motta R, Morresi D, Garbarino M, Alberti G, Valdevit F, Tomelleri E, Torresani M, Tonon G, Marchi M, Corona P, Marchetti M (2019). Stima dei danni della tempesta “Vaia” alle foreste in Italia. Forest@ 16: 3-9. 

77.Domini A., Alberti G., Brunetti M., Burato P., Cremonini C., Domini A., Negro F., Nocetti M., Zanuttini R. (2018) Proprietà fisico-meccaniche del legno da impianti di arboricoltura. Uno studio in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Sherwood, 237: 40-42.

78.Alberti G., Brunetti M., Danelon M., Florean M., di Gallo M., Piussi P. (2016) Ash and maple secondary forests in North-Eastern Pre-Alps: structural characteristics, biomass and wood exploitation potentials (in Italian). Sherwood, 219: 7-11.

79.Balenović I., Alberti G., Marjanovic H. (2013) Airborne Laser Scanning - the Status and Perspectives for the Application in the South-East European Forestry. South-East Eur. For., 4 (2): 59-79.

80.Alberti G. (2013) Per fare un albero ci vuole il legno, per fare musica ci vuole un albero. Liuteria, Musica e Cultura, 2: 25-33.

81.Alberti G. (2008) Cambiamento climatico, deforestazione e destino dell’Amazzonia. Forest@, 5: 3-4.

82.Delle Vedove G., Alberti G., Peressotti A., Inglima I., Zuliani M., Zerbi G. (2007) Automated monitoring of soil respiration: an improved automatic chamber system.. Italian Journal of Agronomy, 2 (4): 377-382.

83.Alberti G., Inglima I., Arriga N., Piermatteo D., Pecchiari M., Zaldei A., Papale D., Peressotti A., Valentini R., Cotrufo M.F., Magnani F., Miglietta F. (2007) Precipitation patterns changes in in Mediterranean ecosystems: the MIND project. Forest@, 4 (4): 460-468.

84.Alberti G., Marelli A., Piovesana D., Peressotti A., Zerbi G., Gottardo E., Bidese F. (2006) - Carbon stocks and productivity in forest plantations (Kyoto forests) in Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy). Forest@ 3 (4): 488-495. [online] URL:

85.Siardi E., Alberti G. (2005) – Imboschimenti realizzati con il Piano di Sviluppo Rurale. Prime valutazioni in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Sherwood, 117: 39-44.

86.Tomat E., Alberti G., Assolari S., Peressotti A., Gottardo E., Zerbi G. (2005) – Productivity and carbon uptake of forest plantations in Friuli (Italy) (in Italian). Forest@, 2 (3): 306-310. [online] URL:

87.Siardi E., Alberti G. (2005) – Results of the mid-term evaluation of Rural Development Plan of Friuli Venezia Giulia (forest measures).  Sherwood, 109: 29-37.

88.Turco S., Napolitano R., Alberti G., Altobelli A., Ganis P., Bonfanti P.L. (2004) – GIS-based analysis of relationships between ecological factors and forest vegetation in the Prealps (North-East Italy). Forest@, 1 (2): 88-99. [online] URL:

89.Cotrufo M.F., Delle Vedove G., Subke J.A., Inglima I., Alberti G., Peressotti A. (2004) - Litter decomposition and soil CO2 efflux on the Mediterranean island of Pianosa - Journal of Mediterranean Ecology, 5 (1): 23-29.



90.Ferretti F., Alberti G., Badalamenti E., Campagnaro T., Corona P., Garbarino M., La Mantia T., Malandra F., Maresi G., Morresi D., Piermattei A., Pividori M., Romano R., Salvadori C., Sibona E., da Silveira Bueno R., Sitzia T., Urbinati C., Vitali A., Pelleri F. (2019) - Boschi di neoformazione in Italia: approfondimenti conoscitivi e orientamenti gestionali. Rete Rurale Nazionale 2014-2020, Scheda n. 22.2 - Foreste, Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l’analisi dell’economia agraria, Roma, ISBN 978-88- 3385-015-3

91.Piussi P., Alberti G. (2015) Silviculture: woodlands, society and management (book in Italian. Original title: Selvicoltura generale. Boschi, società e tecniche colturali). Collana Scienze Forestali e Ambientali. Compagnia delle Foreste S.r.l., Arezzo: 432 pp.


Book chapters:

92.Roggero P.P., Alberti G., Giupponi C., Seddaiu G. (2017) Agroecosistema. In: “Agronomia”. Ceccon P., Grignani C., Monti M., Orlandini S. (eds.). EdiSES: 3-48.

93.Papale P., Migliavacca M., Cremonese E., Cescatti A., Alberti G., Balzarolo M., Belelli Marchesini L., Canfora E., Casa R., Duce P., Facini O., Galvagno M., Genesio L., Gianelle D., Magliulo V., Matteucci G., Montagnani L., Petrella F., Pitacco A., Seufert G., Spano D., Stefani P., Vaccari F.P., Valentini R. (2015) Carbon, Water and Energy Fluxes of Terrestrial Ecosystems in Italy. In: “The Greenhouse Gas Balance of Italy: An insight on Managed and Natural Terrestrial Ecosystems”. Valentini R., Miglietta F. (eds.). Springer: 11-46.

94.Castaldi C., Alberti G., Bertolini T., Forte A., Miglietta F., Valentini R., Fierro A. (2015) N2O Emission Factors for Italian Crops. In: “The Greenhouse Gas Balance of Italy: An insight on Managed and Natural Terrestrial Ecosystems”. Valentini R., Miglietta F. (eds.). Springer: 135-144.

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