Biodata in English

Biodata in English 

I am Associate Professore of English in Department of Languages, Literatures, Communication, Education and Society (University of Udine, Italy). 

My research interests are in the areas of critical discourse studies and language teacher education. 

My latest research work and publications are in the field of discourse analysis, the developments of verbal and non-verbal communication in ICT discourses and the use of digital media for teaching and learning languages.

I teach English in undergraduate and post-graduate degree courses of Languages and Literatures and in teacher training courses (post-graduate). 

I have a an M.A. in Modern Languages and Literatures (Udine, Italy), an M.A. in Language Studies at the University of Lancaster and my Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics at the University of Edinburgh. I also hold a Post-Graduate Diploma in Professional Development for ELT Practioners (University of East Anglia, U.K.).


I am currently coordinating the project YELL/TELL (Young English Language Learners): a virtual space to promote collaboration between school and university for teachers and trainees of English as a foreign language:

In collaboration with L3S Research Center of Leibniz University in Hannover, we have implemented a professional community for language teachers that is inclusive of teachers in training and expert teachers for life-long learning and sharing resources. 

I take part in the research activities of the Partnership Studies Group

I funded the Partnership Studies Ecolinguistics Circle:

  • 2018-2020 PRID (Strategic University Plan) – participant in the financed project: Ecosustainable narratives in world literatures in English, applied linguistics and language education: transcultural and partnership models (Acronym: ENEA). Principal Investigator: Prof.ssa Antonella Riem.
  • From 2017 Web searching for Learning – participant in the international project by L3S Research Center (University Leibniz, Hannover, Germany). 
  • 2014-2016 YOTS (Your Own Technology Survey) Participant as Italian partner in the international project Open University (UK) about the use of technologies for elarning by students between 5 and 19 years of age. 
  • Partner of international project in collaboration with L3S Research Center: LearnWeb-OER - Improving Accessibility of Open Educational Resources (2014-2015) - Coordinators: Ivana Marenzi and Sergej Zerr (L3S Research Center, Leibniz University, Hannover, Germania).
  • From 2011 local coordinator for the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Committee of the International project Gadda Prize Juniors co-ordinated by the University of Edinburgh: creative writing for higher secondary schools across Europe
  • Participation in the national project funded by the Italian Ministry of Research and Education (PRIN 2009-2011 - end in 2013). The project is run in collaboration with research units of the Universities of Messina and Trieste (ACT). COME: COnsapevolezza Multimodale e Empowerment dei minori. MACE: Multimodal Awareness for Children's Empowerment

I also took part in the following international and national projects: PRIN (Italian Ministry of Education and Research, 2005-2007 and earlier projects from 2002 onwards); project Region across borders 2009-2010 (Italy, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia); Interlink (India, U.S.A., Italy) 2005- 2008; projects funded by the Italian Ministry of Education and Research (from 2002 onwards). 

Scientific and editorial work

Associate Editor of the series ALL (Forum: 

Associate Editor of the academic refereed online journal Le Simplegadi from 2002 to 2011 (2002-2011)

Member of the scientific board of the journals:

Le Simplegadi

Lingue e Linguaggi

Member of the editorial board of the journal:

Lingue Antiche e Moderne

Member of the scientific board of the series Bloomsbury Advances in Ecolinguistics by Bloomsbury.

Referee of Journals and Series

SAGE: New Media and Society; Elsevier: Discourse, Context and Media; De Gruyter: Text and Talk;  Inderscience: International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning; Firenze University Press: Lingue e Letterature d’Oriente e d’Occidente; Rivista di Psicolinguistica Applicata.

Referee for the Series Bloomsbury Advances in Ecolinguistics by Bloomsbury.