Biodata in English

Current full-time permanent position: Associate Professor of English Language

Department of Languages, Literatures, Communication, Education and Social Studies

University of Udine

Via Petracco, 8

33100 Udine

Tel +39 0432 556766

maria.bortoluzzi [at]




Research Interests

Critical discourse studies, ecolinguistics, language awareness for teacher education. Latest research work deals with ecolinguistics, multimodal studies for ecological communication and multiliteracy in language education.



From 1 April 2015 to present day: Associate Professor of English language (University of Udine, Italy);

2005-2015: Full-time, permanent lecturers of English language (University of Udine, Italy);

1993-2005: Full-time, permanent secondary school teacher of English Language and Literature (Italy); part-time lecturer at the University of Udine (Italy);

1987-1993: Full-time language assistant of Italian L2: University of Lancaster and Edinburgh, UK;

1986-1987: Full-time language assistant of Italian L2: Dundee College of Further Education, Dundee, UK.



·      July 1998: Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics  - University of Edinburgh - Scotland. The Interpersonal Function in Written Discourse: A Comparative Study of English and Italian Undergraduate Writing

·      November 1998: dottore di ricerca of the Italian Ministry of University and Research.

·      September 1990: M.A. in Language Studies - Department of Linguistics and Modern English Language - Lancaster University - England

·      January 2003: Advanced Postgraduate Certificate in TEFL. - Norwich Institute for Language Education and University of East Anglia - Norwich - England.

·      February 1986: Post-graduate Degree in Modern Languages and Literatures: English and French (Laurea in Lingue e Letterature Straniere) - 110/110 cum laude - University of Udine - Italy.


Courses taught at the University of Udine (Italy)

·      English language courses at under-graduate and post-graduate level for the degrees in Foreign languages and Literatures, and European and Extra-European languages and Literatures.

·      English language workshops for Primary education degree courses.

·      Lessons for the PhD programme in Humanistic and Literary Studies (University of Udine and Trieste).


Current Administration

·      From 2016 member of the PhD programme committee of Humanistic and Literary Studies (University of Udine and Trieste).

·      2017-2023, Erasmus + Delegate for the degree courses of Foreign Languages and Literatures (classe 11) and Post-graduate Degree in European and Extra-European languages and Literatures (classe 37).

·      From 2019 delegate for the English Language in the degree courses Post-graduate Degree in European and Extra-European languages and Literatures (classe 37).

·      From 2015 delegate for the English Language in the degree courses Foreign Languages and Literatures (classe 11)

·      Delegate for the English language workshops of Teacher Education courses.


Scientific supervisor of research projects:

·      From 1st June 2019 to 31st May 2020: Narrations for the environment -PRID project ENEA Ecosustainable narratives in world literatures in English, applied linguistics and language education: transcultural and partnership models (Acronym: ENEA) PI:  Prof.ssa Antonella Riem. Research Assistant co-financed by Udine University: Dott.ssa Elisa Bertoldi.

·      From 1st June 2018 al 31st May 2019: project Narration in English L2 for children and adolescents in informal contexts of acquisition: innovative and inclusive approaches for the local libraries. Project financed by the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia – L.R. 34/2015 art. 29-33.  Research Assistant: Dott.ssa Elisa Bertoldi.

·      From 1st March 2017 to 28th February 2018: project Innovative teaching and learning for English as a foreign/second language in primary teaching education courses. Financed by DILL Department, D.R.666 del 29/11/2016. Research assistant: Dott.ssa Elisa Bertoldi.


Participation in research projects

·      2022-2024 participation in the national project funded by the Italian Ministry of Research and Education (PRIN): Bodies, ecology and moving identities: towards a partnership paradigm (BEAM). Research Unit of Udine University, in collaboration with University of Salento, University di Chieti/Pescara. Principal Investigator: Prof.ssa Antonella Riem (Udine University). Code: 2022LB5YW4

·      2018-2020 PRID (Strategic University Plan) participation in the financed project: Ecosustainable narratives in world literatures in English, applied linguistics and language education: transcultural and partnership models (Acronym: ENEA). Principal Investigator: Prof.ssa Antonella Riem.

·      From 2012: coordinator of the project YELL/TELL (Young English Language Learners/ Teen English Language Learners) a virtual space to promote collaboration between school and university for teachers and student teachers of English as a foreign language.

·      From 1999: participation in the research activities of the Partnership Studies Group

·      2017-2020 Web searching for Learning – participant in the international project by L3S Research Center (University Leibniz, Hannover, Germany).

·      2014-2016 YOTS (Your Own Technology Survey) Participant as Italian partner in the international project Open University (UK) about the use of technologies for elarning by students between 5 and 19 years of age.

·      Partner of international project in collaboration with L3S Research Center: LearnWeb-OER - Improving Accessibility of Open Educational Resources (2014-2015) - Coordinators: Ivana Marenzi and Sergej Zerr (L3S Research Center, Leibniz University, Hannover, Germania).

·      From 2011 local coordinator for the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Committee of the International project Gadda Prize Juniors co-ordinated by the University of Edinburgh: creative writing for higher secondary schools across Europe

·      Participation in the national project funded by the Italian Ministry of Research and Education (PRIN 2009-2011 - end in 2013). The project is run in collaboration with research units of the Universities of Messina and Trieste (ACT). COME: COnsapevolezza Multimodale e Empowerment dei minori. MACE: Multimodal Awareness for Children's Empowerment


I also took part in the following international and national projects: PRIN (Italian Ministry of Education and Research, 2005-2007 and earlier projects from 2002 onwards); project Region across borders 2009-2010 (Italy, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia); Interlink (India, U.S.A., Italy) 2005- 2008; projects funded by the Italian Ministry of Education and Research (from 2002 onwards).


Committees of Research Centers and Units

·      From 2023 local scientific coordinator of the Research Unit of the University of Udine, part of the Research Center Dis-4Change (research on climate change discourse) coordinated by the University Naples ‘l’Orientale’, other research units: University of Bologna, Turin, Milan, Bari, Salerno.

·      From 2020 member of the Scientific Committee of the International Centre on Plurilingualism. Administrative headquarters: University ofUdine.


Editorial and scientific boards of journals and series

·      Associate Editor of the book series ALL (Forum Editrice:

·      Member of the scientific board of the series Bloomsbury Advances in Ecolinguistics by Bloomsbury.

·      Member of the scientific board of the journals:

From 2011 Le Simplegadi

From 2010: Lingue e Linguaggi

·      Member of the editorial board of the journals:

From 2011 Le Simplegadi

From 2012 Lingue Antiche e Moderne

·      Associate Editor of the academic refereed online journal Le Simplegadi from 2002 to 2011 (2002-2011)


Referee for international academic journals

·      Equinox: Journal of Language and Discrimination; Taylor and Francis: Metaphor and Symbol; SAGE: New Media and Society; Elsevier: Discourse, Context and Media; Inderscience: International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning; Firenze University Press: Lingue e Letterature d’Oriente e d’Occidente; Rivista di Psicolinguistica Applicata; Languages.

·      Referee for the Series Bloomsbury Advances in Ecolinguistics by Bloomsbury Academic.

·      Referee for the publishing house Routledge.