Call for collaborators

Our research group has two research projects admitted for funding within the PRIN (Research Projects of National Interest, an important instrument for funding research in Italy).

Funding includes resources to hire a research collaborator for the duration of the project (max 24 months). We will therefore shortly publish two calls for temporary collaborations relating to the aforementioned research projects which could be an interesting proposal for newly graduated engineers looking for a first job.


Some important points:

  • The publication date is not yet certain, but it will be, approximately, shortly before Christmas 2023; the contract will start at the beginning of 2024.
  • Notices are "short-lived." Typically, from the date of publication of the notice you have one week to apply. For this reason I will announce the publication of the call on various channels:

The Telegram channel

The Facebook page

The LinkedIn page

The Instagram channel

The Twitter channel @dspudine

I warmly invite you to subscribe/follow the channels/pages above, so as to be informed immediately of the publication of the announcement. Do not ask us to send you the information by e-mail because this would open up legal problems (due to privacy and transparency issues)


  • Submitting an application to participate is very simple: just send the application via certified e-mail along with your CV and little else (details, obviously, in the announcement).
  • The skills required are minimal: degree in electronic engineering and a certain interest in the field of signal processing. Any previous experience can be useful, but is not essential; you will learn what is needed as you go (as you always will in your work experience).
  • The exact amount of net income you receive depends, of course, on your tax situation. If you are an Italian resident and have no other sources of income, you should receive around €1600-1700/month net
  • The duration is 12/18 months (projects last 24 months and contracts cannot go beyond the duration of the project).
  • Both research projects are in the field of stress monitoring via IoT systems and wearable devices. A more detailed description will be available in the announcement.

Overall, I think that this proposal could be interesting for a new graduate who would like to gain some experience working in an innovative and topical research field. The salary is also competitive with what could be received in a first job.

If you think this might interest you, I warmly invite you to subscribe/follow the various channels above so as not to miss the publication of the announcement. Applying is very simple, but the call is only out for a week.

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