
Journal papers

  1. Zanazzo, E., Ceschia, S. Schaerf, A. Multi-neighborhood simulated annealing for the integrated patient-to-room and nurse-to-patient assignment problem. Flex Serv Manuf J, 2025. [HTTP] [PDF
  2. Roberto Montemanni, Sara Ceschia, Andrea Schaerf. A compact model for the home healthcare routing and scheduling problem, EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, Volume 13, 2025 [HTTP]
  3. Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, Roberto Maria Rosati, Andrea Schaerf. Multi-neighborhood simulated annealing for the home healthcare routing and scheduling problem. International Transactions in Operational Research, 2024 [HTTP]
  4. Sara Ceschia, Margaretha Gansterer, Simona Mancini, Antonella Meneghetti. Solving the Online On-Demand Warehousing Problem. Computers & Operations Research. Volume 170, 2024. [http | supplementary material]
  5. Eugenia Zanazzo, Sara Ceschia, Agostino Dovier, Andrea Schaerf. Solving the medical student scheduling problem using simulated annealing. Journal of Scheduling, 2024. [doi | http| supplementary material]
  6. Sara Ceschia and Andrea Schaerf. Multi-neighborhood simulated annealing for the capacitated facility location problem with customer incompatibilities. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 188, 2024. [doi | http | supplementary material]
  7. Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, Andrea Schaerf. Simulated Annealing for the Home Healthcare Routing and Scheduling Problem. In: Dovier, A., Montanari, A., Orlandini, A. (eds) AIxIA 2022 – Advances in Artificial Intelligence. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2023. [http]
  8. Mats Carlsson, Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, Rasmus O. Mikkelsen, Andrea Schaerf, Thomas J. Stidsen. Exact and metaheuristic methods for a real-world examination timetabling problem. Journal of Scheduling, 26, 353-367, 2023. [DOI | .pdf | http]
  9. Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, Vincenzo Mazzaracchio, Giuseppe Policante, Andrea Schaerf. Solving a real-world nurse rostering problem by simulated annealing. Operations Research for Health Care, 36 (100379), 2023. [DOI | .pdf | http | supplementary data]
  10. M.R.H.  Maia, M. Reula,  C. Parreño-Torres, P. Prakash Vuppuluri, A. Plastino, U.S. Souza, S. Ceschia, M. Pavone, A. Schaerf. Metaheuristic techniques for the capacitated facility location problem with customer incompatibilities. Soft Computing, 2022. [DOI | .pdf | http | supplementary data]
  11. Sara Ceschia, Kevin Roitero, Gianluca Demartini, Stefano Mizzaro, Luca Di Gaspero, Andrea Schaerf. Task design in complex crowdsourcing experiments: Item assignment optimization. Computers & Operations Research, 148, 2022. [DOI | http | supplementary material]
  12. Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, and Andrea Schaerf. Educational timetabling: Problems, benchmarks, and state-of-the-art results. European Journal of Operational Research, 308, 1, 2023. [DOI | http | opthub]
  13. Sara Ceschia, Margaretha Gansterer and Simona Mancini and Antonella Meneghetti. The on-demand warehousing problem. International Journal of Production Research, 61(10) 3152:3170, 2023.[DOI | http | supplementary material]
  14. Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, Roberto Maria Rosati and Andrea Schaerf. Multi-Neighborhood Simulated Annealing for the Minimum Interference Frequency Assignment Problem. EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, 2022. [ DOI | http ] [supplementary material]
  15. Ruggero Bellio, Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, and Andrea Schaerf. Two-stage multi-neighborhood simulated annealing for uncapacitated examination timetabling. Computers & Operations Research, 132, 2021. [ DOI | .pdfhttp ] [supplementary material]
  16. Edoardo Bastianetto, Sara Ceschia, and Andrea Schaerf. Solving a home energy management problem by simulated annealing. Optimization Letters, 15:1553-1564, 2021. [ DOI | .pdfhttp ]
  17. Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, and Antonella Meneghetti. Extending and solving the refrigerated routing problem. Energies, 13(23)(6214), 2020. [ DOI | http ] [supplementary material]
  18. A. Meneghetti and S. Ceschia. Energy-efficient frozen food transports: the refrigerated routing problem. International Journal of Production Research, 58:4164-4181, 2020. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  19. Sara Ceschia, Rosita Guido, and Andrea Schaerf. Solving the static INRC-II nurse rostering problem by simulated annealing based on large neighborhoods. Annals of Operations Research, 288:95-113, 2020. [ DOI | .pdfhttp ] [supplementary material]
  20. Davide Armellini, Paolo Borzone, Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, and Andrea Schaerf. Modeling and solving the steelmaking and casting scheduling problem. International Transactions in Operational Research, 27:57-90, 2020. [ DOI | .pdf | http ] [supplementary material]
  21. Sara Ceschia, Nguyen Thi Thanh Dang, Patrick De Causmaecker, Stefaan Haspeslagh, and Andrea Schaerf. The second international nurse rostering competition. Annals of Operations Research, 274(1-2):171-186, 2019. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  22. Michele Battistutta, Sara Ceschia, Fabio De Cesco, Luca Di Gaspero, and Andrea Schaerf. Modeling and solving the thesis defense timetabling problem. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 70(7):1039-1050, 2019. [ DOI | .pdf ] [supplementary material]
  23. Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, and Andrea Schaerf. Solving discrete lot-sizing and scheduling by simulated annealing and mixed integer programming. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 114:235-243, 2017. [ DOI | .pdf ] [supplementary material]
  24. Alex Bonutti, Sara Ceschia, Fabio De Cesco, Nysret Musliu, and Andrea Schaerf. Modeling and solving a real-life multi-skill shift design problem. Annals of Operations Research, 252(2):365-382, 2017. [ DOI | .pdf ] [supplementary material]
  25. Sara Ceschia and Andrea Schaerf. Dynamic patient admission scheduling with operating room constraints, flexible horizons, and patient delays. Journal of Scheduling, 19(4):377-389, 2016. [ DOI] [supplementary material]
  26. Ruggero Bellio, Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, Andrea Schaerf, and Tommaso Urli. Feature-based tuning of simulated annealing applied to the curriculum-based course timetabling problem. Computers & Operations Research, 65:83-92, 2016. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  27. Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, and Andrea Schaerf. The generalized balanced academic curriculum problem with heterogeneous classes. Annals of Operations Research, 218(1):147-163, 2014. [ DOI | .pdf ] [supplementary material]
  28. Sara Ceschia, Andrea Schaerf, and Thomas Stützle. Local search techniques for a routing-packing problem. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 66(4):1138-1149, 2013. [ DOI | .pdf ] [supplementary material
  29. Sara Ceschia. Local search algorithms for integrated logistics. AI Communications, 26:325-326, 2013. [ DOI ]
  30. Sara Ceschia and Andrea Schaerf. Local search for a multi-drop multi-container loading problem. Journal of Heuristics, 19(2):275-294, 2013. [ DOI ] [ .pdf ] [supplementary material]
  31. Sara Ceschia and Andrea Schaerf. Modeling and solving the dynamic patient admission scheduling problem under uncertainty. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 56(3):199-205, 2012. [ DOI | .pdf ] [supplementary material]
  32. Sara Ceschia and Andrea Schaerf. Local search and lower bounds for the patient admission scheduling problem. Computers & Operations Research, 38(10):1452-1463, 2011. [ DOI | .pdf ] [supplementary material]
  33. Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, and Andrea Schaerf. Tabu search techniques for the heterogeneous vehicle routing problem with time windows and carrier-dependent costs. Journal of Scheduling, 14(6):601-615, 2011. [ DOI | .pdf ] [supplementary material]
  34. Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, and Andrea Schaerf. Design, engineering, and experimental analysis of a simulated annealing approach to the post-enrolment course timetabling problem. Computers & Operations Research, 39(7):1615-1624, 2011. [ DOI | .pdf ] [supplementary material]

Chapters of edited books

  1. Sara Ceschia, Francesca Da Ros, Luca Di Gaspero, and Andrea Schaerf. 2024. EasyLocal++ a 25-year Perspective on Local Search Frameworks: The Evolution of a Tool for the Design of Local Search Algorithm. In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion (GECCO '24 Companion). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1658–1667. [ doi ]
  2. Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, Andrea Schaerf. Local Search. In Introduction to Computational Intelligence. ieee-cis/IEEE-CIS-Open-Access-Book-Volume-1: FirstEditionFirstRevision (FirstEditionFirstRevision). Zenodo, 2023 [ DOI  | .pdfhttp ]
  3. Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero and Andrea Schaerf. Simulated Annealing for the Home Healthcare Routing and Scheduling Problem. In 21st International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, 2022
  4. Valentina Cacchiani, Sara Ceschia, Silvia Mignardi, Chiara Buratti. Metaheuristic algorithms for UAV trajectory optimization in mobile networks. In 14th Metaheuristics International Conference, 2022.
  5. Andrea Ecoretti, Sara Ceschia, Andrea Schaerf. Local search for integrated predictive maintenance and scheduling in flow-shop. In 14th Metaheuristics International Conference, 2022. [.pdfsupplementary material ]
  6. Rosita Guido, Sara Ceschia, and Domenico Conforti. Modelling and Solving Patient Admission and Hospital Stay Problems. AIRO Springer Series, 7:79-90, 2021. [ DOI | http ]
  7. Michele Battistutta, Sara Ceschia, Fabio De Cesco, Luca Di Gaspero, Andrea Schaerf, and Elena Topan. Local search and constraint programming for a real-world examination timetabling problem. In Emmanuel Hebrard and Nysret Musliu, editors, 17th International Conference on the Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research, pages 69-81. Springer International Publishing, 2020. [ DOI | .pdf ] [supplementary material]

Conference papers

  1. Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, Andrea Schaerf. Educational Timetabling: Problems, Benchmarks, and State-of-the-Art Results.  International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science (ODS 2022),  30 August - 2 September 2022, Firenze, Italy.
  2. Valentina Cacchiani, Sara Ceschia, Silvia Mignardi, Chiara Buratti. Metaheuristic algorithms for UAV trajectory optimization in mobile networks. 14th Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC 2022) 11-14 July, 2022, Ortigia-Siracusa, Italy.
  3. Sara Ceschia and Antonella Meneghetti. The refrigerated traveling salesman problem. In International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science (ODS 2019), Genova, Italy, September 4-7 2019.
  4. Sara Ceschia, Vincenzo Mazzaracchio, Giuseppe Policante, and Andrea Schaerf. Modeling and solving a real-world nurse rostering problem. In Proceedings of the 30th European Conference on Operational Research, 23rd - 26th June 2019.
  5. Sara Ceschia, Rosita Guido, and Andrea Schaerf. Local search based techniques for nurse rostering. In International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science (ODS 2018), Taormina, Italy, September 10-13 2018.
  6. Davide Armellini, Paolo Borzone, Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, and Andrea Schaerf. Modeling and solving the steelmaking and casting planning and scheduling problem. In Proceedings of the 8th Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications (MISTA-2017), pages 380-384, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2017.
  7. Davide Armellini, Paolo Borzone, Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, and Andrea Schaerf. A metaheuristic approach for scheduling steelmaking and casting plants. In Proceedings of the 12th Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC-2017), pages 462-464, Barcelona, Spain, 2017.
  8. Nguyen Thi Thanh Dang, Sara Ceschia, Andrea Schaerf, Patrick De Causmaecker, and Stefaan Haspeslagh. Solving the multi-stage nurse rostering problem. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT-2016), pages 473-475, Udine, Italy, 2016.
  9. Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, and Andrea Schaerf. Simulated annealing for discrete lot-sizing and scheduling. In Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference of the Italian Operations Research Society, pages 45-46, Trieste, Italy, 2016.
  10. Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, Andrea Schaerf, and Tommaso Urli. A general local search solver for flatzinc. In Proceedings of the 11th Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC 2015), pages 1-3, Agadir, Morocco, June 7-10 2015.
  11. Michele Battistutta, Sara Ceschia, Fabio De Cesco, and Andrea Schaerf. Thesis defense timetabling. In 7th Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling : Theory and Applications (MISTA 2015), pages 507-514, 2015. ISSN: 2305-249X.
  12. Sara Ceschia, Nguyen Thi Thanh Dang, Patrick De Causmaecker, Stefaan Haspeslagh, and Andrea Schaerf. The second international nurse rostering competition. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT 2014), pages 554-556, August 26-29 2014.
  13. Sara Ceschia and Andrea Schaerf. The dynamic patient admission scheduling with operating room constraints, flexible horizon, and patient delays,. In 6th Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications, pages 646-648, Ghent, Belgium, August 27-29 2013.
  14. Ruggero Bellio, Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, Andrea Schaerf, and Tommaso Urli. A simulated annealing approach to the curriculum-based course timetabling problem. In 6th Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications, pages 314-317, Ghent, Belgium, August 27-29 2013.
  15. Sara Ceschia and Andrea Schaerf. Patient admission scheduling with operating room constraints. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT-2012), Son, Norway, August 28-31 2012. [ .pdf ]
  16. Sara Ceschia, Andrea Schaerf, and Thomas Stützle. Local search for a routing-packing problem. In Proceedings of the 9th Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC 2011), Udine, Italy, July 25-28 2011.
  17. Sara Ceschia and Andrea Schaerf. Local search for the patient admission scheduling problem under uncertainty. In Proceedings of the 9th Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC 2011), Udine, Italy, July 25-28 2011.
  18. Sara Ceschia and Andrea Schaerf. Tabu search techniques for the heterogeneous vehicle routing problem with time windows and carrier-dependent costs. In 4th Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications, Dublin, Ireland, August 10-12 2009.
  19. Sara Ceschia and Andrea Schaerf. Local search techniques for 3-dimensional packing. In 5th Metaheuristic International Conference, Hamburg, Germany, July 13-16 2009.

Workshop papers

  1. Sara Ceschia and Andrea Schaerf. Patient admission scheduling with operating room constraints. In Proceedings of the 38th annual meeting of the EURO working group on OR Applied to Health Services (ORAHS 2012), Enschede, the Netherlands, 2012.
  2. Sara Ceschia and Andrea Schaerf. Multi-neighborhood local search for the patient admission problem. In Maria Blesa et al., editor, 6th Int. Workshop on Hybrid Metaheuristics (HM-2009), volume 5818 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 156-170, Udine, Italy, October 16-17 2009. Springer.
  3. Sara Ceschia and Andrea Schaerf. Hybrid local search techniques for 3-dimensional packing. In 6th ESICUP Meeting, Valencia, Spain, March 25-27 2009.

Ph.D. thesis

  1. Sara Ceschia. Local Search Algorithms for Integrated Logistics. PhD thesis, Industrial and Information Engineering, DIEGM, University of Udine, April 2012. [ http ] [pdf]

Other publications

  1. Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, and Andrea Schaerf. Educational Timetabling: Problems, Benchmarks, and State-of-the-Art Results. arXiv:2201.07525, 2022. [ http ]
  2. Sara Ceschia, Nguyen Dang Thi Thanh, Patrick De Causmaecker, Stefaan Haspeslagh, and Andrea Schaerf. Second international nurse rostering competition (INRC-II) - problem description and rules -. CoRR. ArXiv e-prints, 2015. [ http ]
  3. Ruggero Bellio, Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, Andrea Schaerf, and Tommaso Urli. Feature-based tuning of simulated annealing applied to the curriculum-based course timetabling problem. CoRR. ArXiv e-prints, 2014. [ http ]
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