Education and Academic Training
1980 Scientific High School Diploma
1985 Degree in Biological Sciences - University of Trieste (110/110 cum laude)
1986 Qualification to the Profession of Biologist - University of Ferrara
1986-1987 Fellowship from the “National Health Found” for a project concerning the toxicity of antiblastic agents in disseminated mammary cancer – Medical Oncology Centre of Udine Hospital
1988-1991 Fellowship from the Research Institute for Childhood “Burlo Garofalo” for a project concerning a new experimental therapy for lysosomal storage diseases based on amniotic epithelial cell implantation – IRCCS Trieste
1991 Graduated technician at the Department of Biomedical Sciences and Technologies - University of Udine
2002 Assistant Professor in Biochemistry (s.s.d BIO/10) at the Department of Medicine - University of Udine
Scientific Activity
She entered the research group of Cellular Bioenergetics of the Department of Medicine of the University of Udine in 1991. Her main research interest focuses on mitochondrial bioenergetics in different cell models resuming physiological or pathological conditions.
The most recent research topics concern:
• oxidative damage in different cell models, with particular regard to energy metabolism and its implication in cellular cytotoxicity (apoptosis);
• role of ATPsynthase in ischemic and pharmacological preconditioning of myocardium;
• biochemical mechanisms of mitochondrial biogenesis in relation to in vitro differentiation of myoblasts, with particular regard to the definition of the functional/structural state of mitochondrial ATP synthase and its isoform expressed in the plasma membrane;
• mitochondrial biogenesis and function in different models of skeletal muscle plasticity in relation to stress conditions (endurance, bed-rest, ageing) and in some movement pathologies.
Her research activity has been published as works in extenso (most of which in international journals or monographs) as well as communications and proceedings in many national and international congresses.
1. Zuccarelli L, Baldassarre G, Magnesa B, Degano C, Comelli M, Gasparini M, Manferdelli G, Marzorati M, Mavelli I, Pilotto A, Porcelli S, Rasica L, Šimunič B, Pišot R, Narici M, Grassi
Peripheral impairments of oxidative metabolism after a 10-day bed rest are upstream of mitochondrial respiration.
J Physiol, 2021, doi: 10.1113/JP281800
2. Vaccari F, Passaro A, D'Amuri A, Sanz JM, Di Vece F, Capatti E, Magnesa B, Comelli M, Mavelli I, Grassi B, Fiori F, Bravo G, Avancini A, Parpinel M, Lazzer S
Effects of 3-month high-intensity interval training vs. moderate endurance training and 4-month follow-up on fat metabolism, cardiorespiratory function and mitochondrial respiration in obese adults.
Eur J Appl Physiol, 2020, 120(8): 1787-1803
3. Ciotti S, Iuliano L, Cefalù S, Comelli M, Mavelli I, Di Giorgio E, Brancolini C
GSK3β is a key regulator of the ROS-dependent necrotic death induced by the quinone DMNQ.
Cell Death Dis, 2020, 11(2): 1-15
4. Codrich M, Comelli M, Malfatti MC, Mio C, Ayyildiz D, Zhang C, Kelley MR, Terrosu G, Pucillo CEM, Tell
Inhibition of APE1-endonuclease activity affects cell metabolism in colon cancer cells via a p53-dependent pathway.
DNA repair, 2019, 82: 102675
5. Comelli M, Buso A, Picco R, Isola M, Magnesa B, Pišot R, Rittweger J, Salvadego D, Šimunicˇ B, Grassi B, Mavelli I
Mitochondrial Adaptations in Elderly and Young Men Skeletal Muscle Following 2 Weeks of Bed Rest and Rehabilitation.
Frontiers in Physiology, 2019, 10: 474
6. Comelli M, Pretis I, Buso A, Mavelli I
Mitochondrial energy metabolism and signalling in human glioblastoma cell lines with different PTEn gene status.
Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 2018, 50(1): 33-52
7. Grassi B, Majerczak J, Bardi E, Buso A, Comelli M, Chlopicki S, Guzik M, Mavelli I, Nieckarz Z, Salvadego D, Tyrankiewicz U, Skórka T, Bottinelli R, Zoladz JA, Pellegrino MA.
Exercise training in Tgαq*44 mice during the progression of chronic heart failure: cardiac vs. peripheral (soleus muscle) impairments to oxidative metabolism.
Journal of Applied Physiology 1985, 2017, 123(2): 326-336
8. Peruzzo P, Comelli M, Di Giorgio E, Franforte E, Mavelli I, Brancolini C.
Transformation by different oncogenes relies on specific metabolic adaptations.
Cell Cycle, 2016, 15(19): 2656-2668
9. Comelli M, Domenis R, Buso A, Mavelli I
F1 FO ATP synthase is expressed at the surface of embryonic rat heart-derived H9c2 cells and is affected by cardiac-like differentiation.
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 2016, 117(2): 470-82
10. Bisetto E, Comelli M, Salzano M, Picotti P, Scaloni A, Lippe G, Mavelli I
Proteomic analysis of F1F0-ATP synthase super-assembly in mitochondria of cardiomyoblasts undergoing differentiation to the cardiac lineage.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (Bioenergetics), 2013, 1827: 807-816
11. Domenis R, Bisetto E, Rossi D, Comelli M, Mavelli I
Glucose-Modulated Mitochondria Adaptation in Tumor Cells: A Focus on ATP Synthase and Inhibitor Factor 1.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2012, 13: 1933-1950
12. Comelli M, Domenis R, Bisetto E, Contin M, Marchini M, Ortolani F, Tomasetig L, Mavelli I
Cardiac differentiation promotes mitochondria development and ameliorates oxidative capacity in H9c2 cardiomyoblasts.
Mitochondrion, 2011, 11: 315-326
13. Domenis R, Comelli M, Bisetto E, Mavelli I
Mitochondrial bioenergetic profile and responses to metabolic inhibition in human hepatocarcinoma cell lines with distinct differentiation characteristics.
Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 2011, 43: 493-505
14. Vascotto C, Bisetto E, Li M, Zeef LAH, Dambrosio C, Domenis R, Comelli M, Delneri D, Scaloni A, Altieri F, Mavelli I, Quadrifoglio F, Kelley MR, Tell G
Knock-in reconstitution studies reveal an unexpected role of Cys-65 in regulating APE1/Ref-1 subcellular trafficking and function.
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 2011, 22:3887-4096
15. Comelli M, Genero N, Mavelli I
Caspase-independent apoptosis in Friend’s erythroleukemia cells: role of mitochondrial ATP synthesis impairment in relocation of apoptosis-inducing factor and endonuclease G.
Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 2009, 41:49-59
16. Lippe G, Bisetto E, Comelli M, Contessi S, Di Pancrazio F, Mavelli I
Mitochondrial and cell-surface F0F1ATPsynthase in innate and acquired cardioprotection Mitochondrial and cell-surface F0F1ATPsynthase in innate and acquired cardioprotection.
Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 2009, 41:151-157
17. Comelli M, Metelli G, Mavelli I
Down-modulation of mitochondrial F0F1ATPsynthase by diazoxide in cardiac myoblasts: a dual effect of the drug.
American Journal of Physiology, Heart and Circulation Physiology, 2007, 292:H820-H829.
18. Contessi S, Comelli M, Cmet S, Lippe G, Mavelli I
IF1 distribution in HepG2 cells in relation to ecto-F0F1ATPsynthase and calmodulin.
Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 2007, 29: 291-300.
19. Comelli M, Di Pancrazio F, Mavelli I
Apoptosis is induced by decline of mitochondrial ATP synthesis in erythroleukemia cells.
Free Radicals Biology and Medicine, 2003, 34 (9):1190-1199
20. Comelli M, Mavelli I
Mitochondria and cell susceptibility to oxidative damage as related to different iron homeostasis and redox status: a study on Friend's erythroleukemia cells induced to differentiation.
In: Biochemical, functional, medical and therapeutic aspects in human health and diseases; 121-135, vol 2, Manuchair Ebadi (ed.), 2001
21. Rapozzi V, Comelli M, Sentjurc M, Schara M, Mavelli I, Giraldi T
Melatonin and oxidative damage in mice liver by the pro-oxidant antitumor drug, Adriamycin.
In vivo, 1999, 13 (1):45-50.
22. Comelli M, Londero D, Mavelli I
Severe energy impairment consequent to inactivation of mitochondrial ATPsynthase as an early event in cell death: a mechanism for the selective sensitivity to H2O2 of differentiating erythroleukemia cells.
Free Radicals Biology Medicine, 1998, 24 (6):924-932
23. Rapozzi V, Peressin l, Zorzet S, Comelli M, Mavelli I, Sentjurc M, Shara M, Giraldi T
Bone marrow toxicity and antitumor action of adriamycin in relation to the antioxidant effects of melatonin.
Radiology and Oncology, 1998, 32(1):95-102
24. Rapozzi V, Zorzet S, Comelli M, Mavelli I, Peressin L, Giraldi T
Melatonin decreases bone marrow and lymphatic toxicity but not the antitumor action of adriamycin in mice bearing TLX5 lymphoma.
Life Science, 1998, 63 (19):1701-1713
25. Di Pancrazio F, Comelli M, Londero D, Mavelli I
Pro-oxidant conditions in Friend's cells during erythroid differentiation.
Italian Journal of Biochemestry, 1996, 45 (4):213-214
26. Di Pancrazio F, Comelli M, Lippe G, Mavelli I
Different Fe molecular species mediate selective H2O2-damage to different moieties of F0F1ATPsynthase in intact cells, isolated mitochondria or proteoliposomes.
Italian Journal of Biochemestry, 1995, 44 (4):239A-241A
27. Comelli M, Lippe G, Mavelli I
Differentiation potentiates oxidant injury to mitochondria by hydrogen peroxide in Friend's erythroleukemia cells.
FEBS Letters, 1994, 352:71-75
28. Virgolini L, Silvestri F, Comelli M, Baccarani M
La malattia di Gaucher: studio di un gruppo familiare del Friuli.
Minerva Medica, 1993, 84:145-149
29. Bembi B, Comelli M, Scaggiante B, Pineschi A, Rapelli S, Gornati G, Montorfano G, Berra B, Agosti E, Romeo D
Treatment of shingomyelinase deficiency by repeated implantations of amniotic epithelial cells.
American Journal of Medicine Genetics, 1992, 44:527-533
30. Scaggiante B, Comelli M, Romeo D
Secretion of lysosomal hydrolases by cultured human amnion epithelial cells.
Experimental Cell Research, 1991, 195:194-198
31. Lippe G, Comelli M, Mazzilis D, Dabbeni Sala F, Mavelli I
The inactivation of mitochondrial F1 ATPase by H2O2 is mediated by iron ions not tightly bound in the protein.
Biochemistry Biophysic Research Communication, 1991, 181:764-770
32. Bembi B, Agosti E, De Santi M, Juli R, Comelli M, Vidoni L, Bertotti A
Trattamento di aminoidrossipropilidene bifosfonato (APD) dell' osteoporosi in un caso di Malattia di Gaucher tipo III.
In: Genetica e ritardo mentale. Monduzzi Editore S.p.A.; Bologna, 439-442; 1990
33. Bembi B, Agost E, Comelli M, Scaggiante B, Romeo D, Zweyer M
Trattamento di 4 casi di Malattia di Niemann-Pick tipo B mediante trapianto di cellule epiteliali amniotiche.
In: Genetica e ritardo mentale. Monduzzi Editore S.p.A.; Bologna, 443-447; 1990
34. Bembi B, Agosti E, Pineschi A, Comelli M, Scaggiante B, Romeo D
Impianto di cellule epiteliali amniotiche nel trattamento di alcune malati lisosomiali.
In: Genetica e ritardo mentale. Monduzzi Editore S.p.A.; Bologna, 463-470; 1990
35. Cartei G, Comelli M, Contessi E, Englaro F, Geatti O, Clocchiatti L, Bramezza M
A 99mTc-DTPA study on platinum chronic nephrotoxicity: also glomerular lesions?
Journal of Chemotherapy, 1989, 4:1289-1290
36. Cartei G, Contessi E, Comelli M, Turrin D, Toso D, Sibau A, Mian S, Bramezza M
Immunity during monochemotherapy with mitoxantrone: preliminary results.
Journal of Chemotherapy, 1989, 4:1309-1310
37. Cartei G, Contessi E, Comelli M, Cattaruzzi E, Englaro E, Galletti D, Bramezza M
Early impairment of kidney function after cisplatin administration.
Journal of Chemotherapy, 1989, 4:1285-1286
38. Cartei G, Comelli M, Contessi E, Toso C, Bramezza M
Immunity in patients treated with cis-platinum.
In: Platinum and other metal coordination compounds in Cancer Chemotherapy. Martinus Nijhoff Publishing; Boston USA, 460-465; 1988
39. Cartei G, Contessi E, Comelli M, Geatti O, Cattaruzzi E
Early and progressive glomerular kidney toxicity during cis-platinum therapy.
In: Platinum and other metals coordination compounds in Cancer Chemotherapy. Martinus Nijhoff Publishing; Boston, USA, 466-472; 1988
40. Alcuni test immunitari in pazienti con malattie linfoproliferative, in rapporto all' età.
Cartei G, Contessi E, Comelli M, Toso C, Bramezza M, Sanzari M
Folia oncologica, 1988, 11 (2):98-103
41. Cartei G, Comelli M, Contessi E, Costantini M, Turrin D, Bramezza M
Studio immunologico durante terapia con platino (DDP) in pazienti cancerosi.
Folia oncologica, 1988, 11 (2):104-109
42. Clocchiatti L, Sibau A, Galletti D, Ceschia T, Mian S, Cendron R, Rosa Bian A, Contessi E, Comelli M, Cartei G
Aminoglutetimide nel carcinoma mammario metastatizzato.
Friuli Medico, 1987, 42 (5):471-478