Ting Fa Margherita Chang graduated cum laude in Economics and Business
at the University of Pavia. Since 1991 she is full professor of
Agricultural and Landscape Economics in the Faculty of Agrarian Sciences
- University of Udine. She held also the chair of "Agricultural
Economics and Policy" and the course of "Urban and Rural Appraisal" in
two of the most prestigious Italian Universities (Turin - Fac. of
Economics and Business - and Polytechnic of Milan - Fac. of
Architecture). She was from 1983 to 1986 member of the National
University Council, the advisory body of the Italian Ministry of
Education as representative of university researchers. She has served as
Liaison Officer for Italy of the International Association of
Agricultural Economists (IAAE -from 1992 to 2000) and as Director
(2006-2010) of the Department of Biology and Agribusiness Economics at
the University of Udine (Italy). At present she is Editor of the
International Journal "Agribusiness Landscape & Environment
Management". She has been member of the Administrative Council of the
University of Udine since 2003 as representative of Full professors.
Since 1998-99, she has been serving as Coordinator of the research
doctorate program (Ph.d.) in "Economics Ecology and Protection of the
Agricultural and Landscape-environmental Systems" of the University of
Udine. T.F.M. Chang is Author of numerous publications in the following
fields: a) agribusiness economics; b) agriculture in underdeveloped
overcrowded countries (especially of East Asia); c) resources and
landscape planning; d) methodological problems concerning the
implementation of hierarchical algorithms (triangulation of I-O
matrixes, cluster, clumping and so on) and the systems of national
accounts (environmental included; e) landscape and environmental