I am an Associate Professor at the University of Udine (Italy), since Novembre 2019. I received my Ph.D. in Computer Engineering, Multimedia and Telecommunications in 2010 at the University of Florence, Italy. From 2014 to 2016 I was a senior postdoctoral researcher at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy. I was a visiting researcher at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA, and at Telecom ParisTech/ENST, Paris, in 2006 and 2010 respectively. My research interests include Machine Learning, Wearable Computing, Natural Language Processing, Image and Video analysis. I am teaching the Machine Learning and Deep Learning courses at the University of Udine.
I have published more than 50 publications in the most prestigious journals and conferences in Multimedia. I received the best paper award by the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment in 2015 with the paper “Wearable Vision for Retrieving Architectural Details in Augmented Tourist Experiences”. I was the lead organizer of the “International Workshop on Egocentric Perception, Interaction and Computing (EPIC)” in 2016 and 2017 (ECCV’16 - ICCV’17) and I gave tutorials at two international conferences (ICPR’12, CAIP’13). I also serves as a Guest Editor of the Special Issue on “Wearable and Ego-vision Systems for Augmented Experience” on IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. I was a Technical Program Committee member of several conferences and workshops. I regularly serves as reviewer for international conferences and journals such as ACM Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security and Pattern Recognition, ECCV, CVPR.
Prospective PHD Students:
If you are a prospective student interested in Machine Learning and Deep Learning Research at the Universirty of Udine, please read about our Ph.D. admissions process and contact me. If you are applying to our Ph.D. course in Computer Science and are interested in my research, please state this in your statement of purpose.