curriculum vitae



Associate Professor

Personal Informations

Born in Monza (Mi), 20th July 1958

Citizenship: Italian

Udine, vicolo Florio, 2

*: flavio.rurale [at]

+39 0432556180 │+39 3395489229


Professional Appointments

2005 to present

University of Udine

Associate Professor (Early Modern History, M-STO/02)


1995 to 2005 University of Udine

Researcher (Early Modern History, M-STO/02)


1986 to 1987

Substitute teacher in literary and history subjects in High School


1982 to 1986

Worker in mechanical workshop


Education Background


National Scientific Qualification, full professor

(validity 19-07-2018 to19-07-2028)



National Scientific Qualification, full professor

(State Council Decree n. 5287/2017; validity 14-01-2019 to14-01-2029)


1992 to 1994

University of Milan

PostDoctorate Research Grant

1991 University of Milan

PhD in History of European Society



University of Milan

Degree in Letters


Other infomations

Academic appointments

2016 to 2022

University of Trieste-University of Udine

Master’s Degree Coordinator : “ Studi storici. Dall’Antico al Contemporaneo”


2001to 2013

University of Udine

Secretary of PhD in “History: Structures and cultures of border regions”


Member of PhD College

2013 to present

University of Trieste-University of Udine

PhD in “History of societies, institutions, and thought from medieval to contemporary age”


2001to 2013

University of Udine

PhD in “History: Structures and cultures of border regions”


Research activity Coordinator and Participation in national research programmes (PRIN)

2014 to 2017

Institute of Jesuit Sources-Boston College (USA)

Coordinator of the international research group on:

The Acquaviva S.I. Project: Claudio Acquaviva’s Generalate (1581-1615) and the Emergence of Modern Catholicism


2010 to 2012

Participant national co-funded research programme


2006 to 2008

Participant national co-funded research programme


2003 to 2005

Participant national co-funded research programme


1999 to 2001

Participant national co-funded research programme



Participant national co-funded research programme

Membership of Scientific Committees

Advisor of the journal: "Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu"

Member of the Scientific Committee of the journal: “Rivista di letteratura religiosa italiana”

Member of the Scientific Committee: “GATE” (“Gregorian Archives Texts Editing”), Historical Archive of the “Pontifical University ‘Gregoriana’” (Roma-Italy)

Member of the Scientific Committee: “Istituto Paschini” (Udine-Italy)

“Investigador de referencia” of the Universitary Institut: "La Corte en Europa"-(IULCE) Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras

Foreign International Conferences

Speaker at the following Foreign International Conferences:

-Boston (USA), Boston College, june 11-13, 2024, Renovatio Mundi: The Jesuits as Educators in History:paper: " Corrado Confalonieri S.J.(1619-1686) and Giuseppe Gorzoni, S.J. (1637-1713): Teaching, Preserving, and Looking at the World at the End of the 17th Century

-Madrid, Universidad Autonoma, May 2-4, 2023, El mercado de la opinión pública en los conflictos de la Monarquía Hispánica en Italia (siglos XVI-XVII):

paper: “Volantinare per le vie di Milano: momenti della controversia giurisdizionale di fine Cinquecento”;

-Boston (USA), Boston College, August 1-4, 2022, The Jesuits and the Church in History:

paper: "Jesuits and Papal Nepotism in 17th century: the opinion of general father Gian Paolo Oliva”;

-Madrid, Universidad Autonoma, October 22-23, 2020, XIV Seminario internacional “La Corte en Europa”, "La lucha por la hegemonía mundial. Entre política y religión: jesuitas, castellanos y portugueses":

paper: “L'affetto disordinato verso le patrie": i gesuiti del '600 tra ideale universalistico e prassi "nazionalista";

Madrid, Universidad Comillas, June 20-22, 2011 (member of the scientific committee), "Los Jesuitas. Religion, politica y educacion (siglos XVI-XVIII)":

paper: "La politica cortesana en la Compañía de Jesus" ;

Madrid, Universidad Autonoma, December 13-16, 2010, "La Corte en Europa. Politica y religion (siglos XVI-XVIII)":

paper: "Ordini religiosi e politica nelle corti italiane del XVII secolo”: la teoria, le pratiche";

Versailles (Paris), September 2426, 2009, "Les cours en Europe: bilan historiographique":

paper: "Court and Religion in the early modern catholic Europe";

Cork (Ireland), University of Cork, Dep. of Music, May 1819, 2007, “Sexualities, textualities, art and music in early modern Italy”:

paper: “Aristocratic culture and sexuality. Some notes about prelates and religious clergy in Sixtheenth Century italian courts”;

Rome, American Academy in Rome, December 12-14, 2003, “Politics and Society in Spanish Italy”:

paper: “Male Religious Orders in SixteenthCentury Italy”;

Santiago (Cile), University of Santiago, July 1418, 2003, 51° Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, "El primer siglo jesuita en el Virreinato del Perù, 1587-1667":

paper: "The european point of view: culture and politics in the Society of Jesus under Claudio Acquaviva (1581-1615)";

Paris, Château de Maisons-Laffitte, December 1, 2001, Société d’étude du XVII siècle, "La Cour entre la Grâce du prince et celle de Dieu":

paper : "Les religieux à la Cour et la conscience du prince" ;

Barcelona, Sociedad Estatal para la Conmemoración de los Centenarios de Felipe II y Carlos V, November 2328, 1998, “Felipe II y el Mediteraneo”,

paper: “Politics and Religion in Spanish Milanesado”;

Toronto (Canada), Sixteenth-Century Studies Conference, October 22-26, 1998: “Jesuits History under Everard Mercurian, 1573-1580”:

paper: "The Jesuits in the North Italy: Religion, Rhetoric and Politics";

London, University of London, dep. of “Italian History and Culture”, February 24, 1994,:

paper: “Regular clergy in the Italian Courts of the Ancien Regime”.

Tipo Informazione: