Attività didattiche e di ricerca

Curriculum vitae of Francesco Driussi

Francesco Driussi was born in Martignacco (Italy) on November the 27th, 1975.

Contacts: e.mail francesco.driussi [at]; office: +39 0432558295


2000: Laurea in Ingegneria Gestionale, Università degli Studi di Udine (Italy), 110/110 e lode;

2004: Ph.D. in Electronics, Università degli Studi di Udine (Italy).

 Academic Positions and Qualification

2005 – 2018: Research Associate at DIEGM, Università degli Studi di Udine (Italy)

2012: “Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale” to Associate Professor of Electronics (IINF-01/A Elettronica)

2018 – present: Associate Professor of Electronics at DPIA, Università degli Studi di Udine (Italy)

2024: “Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale” to Full Professor of Electronics (IINF-01/A Elettronica)

Teaching activities 


2011– 2018: “Analog Electronics II” (6 CFU), Ingegneria Elettronica, Università degli Studi di Udine;

2011 – 2015: “Fundaments of Electronics” (6 CFU), Ingegneria Gestionale, Università degli Studi di Udine;

2013/2014: “Analog/digital electronics”, Percorsi Abilitanti Speciali, Università degli Studi di Udine;

2015 – present: “Fundaments of Analog and Digital Electronics” (12 CFU), Ingegneria Elettronica, Università degli Studi di Udine;

2018 – 2023: “Electronic Instrumentation” (3 CFU), Ingegneria Elettronica LM, Università degli Studi di Udine;

2023 – present: “RF Circuits and Systems” (6 CFU), Ingegneria Elettronica LM, Università degli Studi di Udine.

Thesis supervision

Francesco Driussi has been Advisor or Co-Advisor of more than 25 Thesis for the MS/BS degree in Engineering.

Activities in the Ph.D. programs

2009 – present: member of the “Collegio di Dottorato” for the Ph.D. program in Industrial and Information Engineering of the DPIA/DIEGM, University of Udine, Italy.

2016 – present: he held the course of “Atomistic models and application to Egineering” for the Ph.D. program in Industrial and Information Engineering of the DPIA/DIEGM, University of Udine, Italy.

2020: Committee member for the selection of candidates for the Ph.D. program in Industrial and Information Engineering of the DPIA/DIEGM, University of Udine, Italy.

He is or has been supervisor or co-supervisor of 7 Ph.D. students for the Ph.D. program in Industrial and Information Engineering of the DPIA/DIEGM, University of Udine, Italy.

Boards and responsibility at DPIA, University of Udine, Italy

ERASMUS: Francesco Driussi is responsible for 7 agreements for Student exchanges with European Universities.

2018 – present: member of “Commissione Didattica” for the Electronic Engineering courses

2019: member of “Commissione Schede di Dipartimento”

Invited lectures

2010: “Modeling and simulation of charge trap non volatile memory cells”, European SINANO Summer School, Bertinoro, Italy

2013: “FLASH memory devices for gigascale non-volatile storage”, Ph.D. School of Gruppo Italiano di Elettronica, Udine, Italy

2013: “FLASH memory devices for gigascale non-volatile storage”, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden

2018: “Fundamentals of Analog and Digital Electronics”, Summer School of Modern Mechatronics, Udine, Italy

Research activities

Research interests

His expertise includes device level characterization and physics-based modeling of transistors and memory cells, with special focus on new devices and materials for advanced CMOS and more-than-Moore application. In particular, he is an expert in the design of experiments and development of characterization techniques for the understanding of physical mechanisms involved in the operation of nano and microelectronic devices. Regarding the modeling activity, Francesco Driussi is an expert in physics-based and statistical models for the simulation of Non-Volatile memories and 2D materials-based devices. Recently, his research activity includes characterization and modeling of x-ray photodiodes and ferroelectric memristors for neuromorphic computing. At the moment, he is also involved in the modeling and characterization of the impact of Dielectric Absorption on the ADC performance.

Research positions

2002 – 2003: Visiting Scientist at Philips Research Leuven inside the IMEC research center (Belgium)

2000 and 2002: Visiting student at ST Microelectronics, design of non-volatile memory cells, Agrate Brianza (Italy)

Experience in European and Italian Competitive Projects

Francesco Driussi is Responsible/Principal Investigator for the Udine Research Unit in the following project funded by the Italian MIUR:

· PRIN 2022 – 20227N9LW7 (2023-2025), Fully-digital 3D imager for gamma and hard-X rays

Francesco Driussi is or was also involved as Scientific Collaborator/Responsible for Deliverables in the following Competitive Research Projects funded by the EU:

·            FIXIT, Horizon Europe, GA: 101135398 (2023-2027)

·            ATTOSWITCH, Horizon Europe, GA: 101135571 (2024-2027)

·            BeFerroSynaptic, H2020, GA: 871737 (2020-2023);

·            E2SWITCH, 7FP – STREP, GA: 619509 (2013-2017);

·            GRADE, 7FP – STREP, GA: 317839 (2012-2015);

·            STEEPER, 7FP – STREP, GA: 257267 (2010-13);

·            MODERN, European ENIAC-JTI, (2009-12);

·            NANOSIL, 7FP – Network of Excellence, GA: 21671 (2008-11);

·            GRAND, 7FP – STREP, GA: 215752 (2008-11);

·            GOSSAMER, 7FP – Integrated Project, GA: 214431 (2008-11);

·            PULLNANO, 6FP – Integrated Project, (2006-08);

·            SINANO, 6FP – Network of Excellence, IST-506844 (2004-07).

He is or was also involved as Scientific Collaborator/Responsible for Deliverables in the following projects funded by the Italian MIUR:

·            PRIN 2017 – 2017SRYEJH (2020-23);

·            PRIN 2015 – 2015WMZ5C8 (2017-20);

·            FIRB 2010 – RBFR10XQ28 (2012-15);

·            FIRB 2006 – RBIP06YSJJ (2007-10);

·            FIRB 2001 – RBNE012N3X (2003-07).

Francesco Driussi is in the REPRISE expert database of MUR and he served as Reviewer for the projects applying to the PRIN 2015 and PRIN 2017 calls.

Research Grants/Funds by industrial partners

Francesco Driussi is or was in charge for the following R&D contracts:

·            R&D Agreement nr. 6000014019 “Simulation of Dielectric Absorption impact on ADC converters” (3/2024 – 10/2024), with Infineon Technologies Austria, amount 21000 EUR.

·            R&D Agreement nr. 6000014118 “Modeling and characterization of the Dielectric Absorption impact on ADC converters” (11/2024 – 10/2027), with Infineon Technologies Austria, amount 90000 EUR.

Research collaborations

During his research activity, Francesco Driussi has actively collaborated with important Semiconductor companies and European Research Laboratories, such as:

·                Infineon Technologies, Austria

·                NXP (former Philips Semiconductors), the Netherlands

·                ST Microelectronics, Italy

·                Micron, Italy

·                CEA-Leti, France

·                IMEC, Belgium

·                KTH, Sweden

·                NaMLab, Germany

·                AMICA-AMO, Germany

·                IMM-CNR Lab., Italy

·                Elettra, Italy.

His collaborations are also with important Italian and European Universities, such as:

·                University of Bologna,

·                University of Pisa,

·                University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

·                Polytechnic of Milano,

·                Polytechnic of Grenoble (France),

·                University of Siegen (Germany),

·                University of Aachen (Germany),

·                University of Bordeaux.

Editorial boards

2022 – present: Associate Editor for "Frontiers in Electronics" (EISSN 2673-5857), editor Frontiers

2023 – present: Associate Editor for "Electronics" (EISSN 2079-9292), editor MDPI

2014: co-editor of “Proc. of Int. Conf. on Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS) 2014”, ISBN: 978-1-4799-2193-5

2015: co-editor of “Book of Abstracts of Insulating Films on Semiconductor (INFOS) 2015”, ISBN: 978-88-9030-695-2

2015: Guest editor of Microelectronic Engineering (vol. 147, Nov. 2015, ISSN 0167-9317), editor Elsevier

2022: Guest editor of Solid State Electronics (vol. 194, Aug. 2022, ISSN 0038-1101), editor Elsevier

2023: Guest editor of Solid State Electronics (vol. 201, Mar. 2023, ISSN 0038-1101), editor Elsevier

Francesco Driussi serves as reviewer for the International Journals: IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices, IEEE Electron Device Letters, IEEE Journal of Electron Device Society, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, Solid State Electronics (Elsevier), Microelectronic Engineering (Elsevier), Microelectronics Reliability (Elsevier), Thin Solid Films (Elsevier), Semiconductor Science and Technology (IOP), Applied Physics Express (IOP),Advanced Electronic Materials (Wiley), The Journal of Physical Chemistry (ACS), ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (ACS), ACS Nano (ACS), Journal of Physics: Material (IOP), 2D Materials (IOP), Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (IOP), IEEE Photonics Journal, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Nanomaterials, Superlattices and Microstructures.

Technical and organizing committees of International Conferences

Francesco Driussi is or has been part of the Technical Program Committee for:

2013 – 2014: International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), organized by IEEE

2018 – present:          International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS), sponsored by IEEE

He has contributed to the following international conferences as:

2024: Technical Program Chairman of 36th Int. Conf. on Microelectronic Test Structures, ICMTS, Edinburgh (UK)

2023: Session Chairman of 35th International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, ICMTS, Tokyo (JAP)

2022: Session Chairman of 8th Joint International EuroSOI-ULIS Conference, Udine (ITA)

2020: Tutorials Chairman of 33th International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, ICMTS, online

2019: Session Chairman of 32th Int. Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, ICMTS, Kitakyushu (JAP)

2019: Publication Chairman of 24th International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD), Udine (ITA)

2018: Session Chairman of 31th International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, ICMTS, Austin (USA)

2015: Local Arrangement Chair of 19th Insulating Films on Semiconductor (INFOS), Udine (ITA)

2014: Local Arrangement Chair of 27th Int. Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, ICMTS, Udine (ITA)

2013: Local Arrangement Chair of 45th Annual Meeting of “Gruppo Elettronica” Association, Udine (ITA)

2008: Local Arrangement Chair of International Conference on Ultimate Integration on Silicon (ULIS), Udine (ITA)

2001: Organizing Team member of 12th Insulating Films on Semiconductor (INFOS), Udine (ITA)

Publications and metrics (as at 14/11/2024)

Francesco Driussi is author or coauthor of more than 40 articles in peer reviewed scientific journals and more than 50 contributions to international Conferences. His scientific production has received more than 1300 citations in total. The 16% of his articles are in the top 25% of most cited documents worldwide (source Scopus). The 39% of his papers is in the top 25% journals by CiteScore and the 70% of his articles are co-authored with international researchers (source Scopus). 

The updated list of Francesco Driussi’s publications can be found in the IRIS database.


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