

Name: Freddi

First name: Lorenzo

Date of birth: August 11, 1963

Place of birth: Ferrara - Italy

Current position: Associate Professor of Mathematical Analysis at the University of Udine (Italy)

Languages: Italian (native language), English (spoken and written)

Business address: Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica- Via delle Scienze, 206 - 33100 UDINE (Italy) Tel.: +39 - 0432 - 558470, Fax: +39 - 0432 - 558499, e-mail: lorenzo.freddi [at]

Home address: Via Freschi, 25 - 33100 UDINE (Italy)

Professional societies: Unione Matematica Italiana (UMI), Società Italiana di Matematica Applicata e Industriale (SIMAI)

Academic Titles and Career

1988: Taking the degree certificate (Laurea) in Mathematics at the University of Ferrara with full marks (110/110 cum laude). Title of the thesis: Funzionali definiti sullo spazio delle misure e applicazioni a problemi ellittici degeneri, adviser: Prof. G. Buttazzo.


1988 - 1989: Student grant (Borsa di Avviamento alla Ricerca) at the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica, Roma.


1989 - 1990: Military service accomplished as Ufficiale di Complemento della Marina Militare Italiana at the Gruppo Insegnamento Matematica dell'Accademia Navale di Livorno.


1989 - 1993: Ph. D. position in Mathematics (Dottorando) at the University of Pisa (Italy). Research adviser: Prof. G. Buttazzo.


1992 - 2004: Permanent position (Ricercatore) in Mathematical Analysis at the University of Udine (Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali).


1994: Taking the Ph. D. certificate (Dottorato di Ricerca) in Mathematics at the University of Pisa (Italy). Title of the thesis: Rilassamento e Convergenza di Problemi di Controllo Ottimo, adviser: Prof. G. Buttazzo.


2001 - : Member of the faculty (Collegio dei Docenti) of the Ph. D. school (Dottorato di Ricerca) in Mathematics and Physics at the University of Udine.


2005 - : Associate Professor of Mathematical Analysis at the University of Udine.


Best Scientific Paper Award of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia and Georgia National Science Foundation for the best scientific paper presented at the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) Symposium of the Ilia Vekua International Conference, Tbilisi (Georgia), April 23-27, 2007.

Lectures given in international conferences

1998: International conference “Calculus of Variations and Related Topics”, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel. Title: “Variational limits of optimal control problems”.

1999: VII-th Workshop on “Well-posedness in Optimization and Related Topics”, Gargnano, Italy. Title: ``Limits of control problems for nonlocal inclusions''

2005: “Symposium on Mathematical Methods in Optimal Control”. Cracow, Poland. Title: “Variational convergence methods in optimal control theory”.

2006: VIII SIMAI national congress, Baia Samuele, Ragusa. Minisymposium: “Variational Methods and Applications”. Title: “Variational dimension reduction for multiple-scaled thin structures”.

2007: IUTAM Symposium on Relation of Shell, Plate, Beam and 3D Models. Tbilisi, Georgia. Title: “Variational dimension reduction in non linear elasticity: a Young measure approach”.

2009: First International Conference on Material Modelling. Dortmund, Germany. Title ''Variational dimension reduction for anisotropic and inhomogeneous thin walled beams''

2010: Second workshop on thin structures, Napoli. Title: ''From 3D non-linear elasticity to 1D linear/quasi-linear elastic models or thin-walled beams''.

2011: EUROMECH Colloquium 527: Shell-Like Structures: Nonclassical Theories and Applications, Wittenberg, Germania. Title: "From 3D non-linear elasticity to 1D elastic models for thin-walled beams".

2011: 2nd International Conference on Material Modelling, Parigi, Francia. Title: "From 3D non-linear elasticity to 1D elastic models for thin-walled beams".

2012: Evolution problems in damage, plasticity and fracture: mathematical models and numerical analysis, Udine. Title: “Quasistatic delamination and crack evolution in plates by dimension reduction”.

2013: Third Workshop on Thin Structures, Napoli. Title: “Quasistatic delamination and crack evolution in plates by dimension reduction”.

Other Activities 

- Organizer of several meetings (national and international level):

Seminari di Equazioni Differenziali e Problemi Variazionali, Udine, October 14{15, 1999, (organized with E. Cabib and R. Musina)

- Workshop on Problemi di Γ-convergenza nella meccanica delle strutture sottili, Udine, October 15-16, 2004, (organized with R. Paroni);

- International meeting on Mathematical Modeling in Continuum Mechanics and Structures, Alghero (SS), May 10-14, 2005 (organized with C. Davini, M. Degiovanni, R. Paroni, M. Solci);

- Mini Workshop on Astrazione e Realizzazione: temi di carattere interdisciplinare tra Fisica, Matematica e Ingegneria. Udine, June 21, 2007 (organized with S. Ansoldi).

Scientific Research 

My scientific research has been mainly devoted to the following fields.


- Γ-convergence for functionals of the calculus of variations


- Semicontinuity and relaxation for integral functionals


- Optimal control problems: relaxed controls and limit problems


- Limit problems and asymptotic analysis in the continuum mechanics


- Young measure techniques in the calculus of variations and optimal control


- Dimension reduction problems in linear and nonlinear elasticity


- Variational problems with a lack of coercivity


- Functionals defined on the space of measures


- Shape optimization problems

Research projects

2004-2005: Coordinator of the INDAM intergroup research project  “Problemi di Γ-convergenza nella meccanica delle strutture sottili" 2008-2009: Scientific coordinator of the project “Metodi variazionali nello studio di alcuni modelli matematici” at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,  University of Udine. 2012-2013: Coordinator of the GNAMPA (Indam) research project ''Problemi variazionali  e misure di Young nella meccanica dei materiali complessi''.

Didactic Activity

My didactic activity has been mainly concerned with the teaching in the following courses:


Analisi Matematica (basic and advanced calculus) for students in Mathematics, in Computer Science and in Engineering


Meccanica Razionale for students in Mathematics


Matematica e Biomatematica (general mathematical basic tools) for students in Agricolture


Calcolo delle Probabilità (basic course on Calculus of Probability)


Analisi Funzionale e Calcolo delle Variazioni (advanced course on Functional Analysis and Calculus of Variations)


Fisica Matematica (advanced course on Mathematical Physics)


Analisi Funzionale e Calcolo delle Variazioni (Ph. D. course on Functional Analysis and Calculus of Variations, University of Udine 1995-96, 1999-00 and 2001-02)


Calcolo delle Variazioni e Teoria Variazionale dell'Elasticità (Ph. D. course on Calculus of Variations and Elasticity, University of Udine 2005-06)

Other Activities 

Adviser of several research theses, at “Laurea” and “Laurea Magistralis” level:


LAUREA THESES (first level degree):


- Alessandro Londero: Il teorema di Lusin e la sua estensione ai gradienti. Udine, 2002-03.


- Francesca Nadalin: Il principio di Fermat e l'analisi variazionale di alcuni modelli di propagazione della luce. Udine, 2005-06.


- Sara De Faveri: Analisi matematica degli stati di sforzo per un sistema materiale continuo non resistente a trazione. Udine, 2006-07.


- Mariairene Tronchin: Un problema di forma ottimale in ottica geometrica. Udine, 2007-08.


- Giorgia De Monte: Gamma-convergenza per successioni Udine, 2010-11.


- Tanja Erjavec: Minimi locali in un problema di transizione di fase. Udine, 2012-13 (correlatore R. Paroni).


LAUREA MAGISTRALIS THESES (second level degree):


- Marcello Guidorzi: Problemi di ottimizzazione di forma attraverso il metodo dell'omogeneizzazione. Ferrara, 1992-1993 (co-adviser G. Buttazzo). 


- Alessandro Londero: Problemi di riduzione dimensionale variazionale in elasticità lineare. Udine, 2005-06 (co-adviser R. Paroni).


- Cinzia Maestrutti: Un problema di trasporto ottimo in ottica geometrica. Udine, 2008-09.


- Sara De Faveri: Tensioni come misure singolari in sistemi continui non resistenti a trazione. Udine, 2009-2010 (co-adviser R. Paroni).


- Andrea Andretta: Determinante jacobiano, grado topologico e applicazioni a problemi di cavitazione. Udine, 2010-2011 (co-adviser R. Paroni).


- Mariairene Tronchin: Optimal design di un sistema ottico rifrattivo. Udine, 2010-11.




- Alessandro Londero: Elastic bodies with residual stress: variational models by Gamma-convergence. Udine, 2011 (co-adviser R. Paroni).



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