CV Enrico Braidot


1989: Degree in Agricultural Sciences


 2001: Lecturer at the University of Udine


 2005: Associated Professor at the University of Udine,


 He is coauthor of 44 original papers, (including 2 book chapters and 6 reviews), published on peer-reviewed international journals.


 His main scientific activity has concerned: a) effect of activated oxygen species on senescence phenomena and plant response to biotic and abiotic stresses; b) energization and energy transfer processes in mitochondria, submitochondrial particles and purified plasmalemma vesicles; c) plant mitochondria role in programmed cell death phenomena.


 His recent interest is focused on:

a) Detection and characterization by immunochemical methods of an anthocyan translocator, similar to mammalian bilitranslocase and localized in grape berry tissues.

b) Role of membrane-associated lipoxygenases in plant oxidative stress and in the event cascade leading to programmed cell death in plant cell. His interest is particularly focused in the hypersensitive reaction.

 c) Determination and characterization of factors involved in alteration of organoleptic properties in green coffee. Researches on the oxylipin metabolism and the resulting release of volatiles compounds, derived from fatty acid hydroperoxide secondary metabolism.

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