Curriculum VItae Antonio Paolo Beltrami




First name(s) / Surname(s) 

Antonio Paolo Beltrami






antonio.beltrami [at]







Place and date of birth

Bologna (Italy), January, 25th 1973







Occupational field

Associate Professor in Clinical Pathology



Work experience



Occupation or position held

Main activities and responsibilities

Name and address of the employer


Type of business or sector


Associate Professor

Research and Teaching

Università degli Studi di Udine,

Dipartimento di Area Medica; via Colugna , 50 Udine

Public Research





Occupation or position held

Assistant Professor

Main activities and responsibilities

Research and Teaching

Name and address of employer

Università degli Studi di Udine,

Since January 2010: Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Biologiche 

2008-2010: Dipartimento Ricerche Mediche e Morfologiche

P.le Kolbe, 4 -33100 Udine

Type of business or sector

Public Research





Occupation or position held

Attending Physician in Analytical Pathology

Main activities and responsibilities

Clinical Pathology

Name and address of employer

Azienda Sanitaria Universitaria Friuli Centrale,

Istituto di Patologia Clinica

Presidio Ospedaliero “S. Maria della Misericordia” -33100 Udine

Type of business or sector






Occupation or position held

Post-doctorate Fellow

Main activities and responsibilities


Name and address of employer

Università degli Studi di Udine,

Dipartimento Ricerche Mediche e Morfologiche

P.le Kolbe, 4 -33100 Udine

Type of business or sector

Public Research



Education and training



Title of qualification awarded

Name and type of organization providing education and training


II level Master Degree in Cardiovascula Pathology

University of Padua







Title of qualification awarded

Residency in Hematology; Final grade: 70/70 with honors

Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Laboratory testing in hematology


Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Università degli Studi di Udine,

Dipartimento Ricerche Mediche e Morfologiche

P.le Kolbe, 4 -33100 Udine





Title of qualification awarded

PhD Student in “Clinical Sciences and Technologies”

Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Stem cell biology



Confocal microscopy


Cell Sorting

Cell Cloning

Retroviral based gene transfer

Cardiovascular physiology

Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Università degli Studi di Udine, Dipartimento di Patologia Medicina Sperimentale e Clinica, p.le S. Maria della Misericordia, 33100 Udine;

New York Medical College, Cardiovascular Research Insititute, Vosburgh Pavillion 302 A, Valhalla, NY 10595





Title of qualification awarded

Medical Doctor; Final grade: 110/110 with honors

Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Human Biology, Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Medical Therapy, and Surgical Therapy.

Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università degli Studi di Udine, Via Colugna, 50 - 33100 UDINE





Title of qualification awarded

Maturità Scientifica

Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Italian grammar and literature, Latin grammar and literature, English grammar and literature, History, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Art history.

Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Liceo Scientifico N. Copernico, viale Ungheria, 33100 Udine






Title of qualification awarded

Liceo Scientifico (moved to Udine and continued there)

Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Italian grammar and literature, Latin grammar and literature, English grammar and literature, History, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Art history.

Name and type of organisation providing education and training


Liceo Scientifico G. Galilei, viale Ungheria, 33100 Udine, Via Brecce Bianche, 72 - 60131 Ancona


Fellowships and awards





ERASMUS grant; Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain




MD; Graduation with honors (final vote: 110/100 cum laude).




Specialization in hematology with honors (final vote: 70/70 cum laude).




National Innovation Prize received from a federation of Italian Universities as a co-founder of a Spin-off of the University of Udine named “Tissue and Organ Replacement”- T.O.R.




StartCup Award received from the University of Udine and “Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Udine e Pordenone” (Italy) as a co-founder of a Spin-off of the University of Udine named “Tissue and Organ Replacement”- T.O.R.




Research Scholarship, Cardiovascular Research Institute, Department of Medicine, New York Medical College, Valhalla (NY), USA




Post-doctoral fellowship, Interdepartmental Centre for Regenerative Medicine, University of Udine, Italy




Professional qualification to Associate Professor in Surgical Pathology awarded by the Italian Ministry for University and Research (MIUR)




Best Poster Award, European Society of Cardiology annual meeting, Rome




Travel Grant from the Italian Society for Cardiovascular Research (SIRC).




Professional qualification to Associate Professor in Surgical Pathology, Pathology, and Sciences of Health Professions and Medical technologies; professional qualification to Full professor in Sciences of Health Professions and Medical technologies awarded by the Italian Ministry for University and Research (MIUR)







Mother tongue(s)






• Reading skills


• Writing skills


• Verbal skills






• Reading skills


• Writing skills


• Verbal skills


Social skills

and competences

                                                                            [ Describe these competences and indicate where they were acquired. ]


I developed the ability to interact with other people in a multicultural environment working for three years in a multicultural laboratory (Cardiovascular Research Institute at New York Medical College), performing research as a team.


Organisational skills 

and competences


I participated in projecting, writing, and managing the following grants;

a. Italian Ministry of the University and Research Project: PRIN 2004 pr.2004061130 (P.I. Carlo Alberto Beltrami); 2004-2006. Title: “Study on the role played by cells and microenvironment in regenerative medicine and cell therapy”.

b. Italian Ministry of the Health: P.R.F. 10/04 (P.I. Carlo Alberto Beltrami); 2004-2006. Title: “Identification, characterization, in vitro growth and therapeutical utilization of human multipotent mesenchymal cells”

c. Italian Association for the Cancer Research (AIRC): Regional Grant 2005 pr.1023 (P.I. Antonio Amoroso); 2005-2007. Title: “New approaches for studying genetics, early molecular diagnosis and prognostic factors relevant for HCC”

d. Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional Grant: Art.11 L.R. 11/2003 (P.I. Carlo Alberto Beltrami); 2006-2008. Title: “Stem cell characterization and utilization, through tissue engineering technologies, in human therapy.”

e. Italian Ministry of the University and Research Project: PRIN 2006 pr. 2006060854 (P.I. Carlo Alberto Beltrami); 2006-2008. Title:“Cellule staminali mesenchimali (MSC) e cellule staminali mesenchimali pluripotenti dell'adulto (PMSC): biologia, immunomodulazione dei trapianti e ingegneria tissutale”.

f. Department of Health, Regione FVG: “Therapeutic use of Multipotent Adult Stem Cells” 2008-2009

g. Italian Ministry of the Health: “Giovani Ricercatori”. Impiego di cellule staminali multipotenti dell’adulto da tessuto adipose per la rigenerazione cardiovascolare. GR-2007-683407 (P.I. Daniela Cesselli). 2008-2011.

h. Collaborator of the ERC advanced grant “MOlecular NAnotechnology for LIfe Science Applications: QUantitative Interactomics for Diagnostics, PROteomics and QUantitative Oncology”. P.I. Prof. Scoles.

i. Project Partner of a project financed by the Italian Ministry of the University and Research: FIRB accordi di programma 2011 pr. RBAP11ETKA_007 “Nanotechnological approaches for tumor theragnostic”. Coordinator: Maurizio Prato.

j. Project Partner of a cross-border cooperation program Italy-Slovenia 2007-2013 funded by the European Regional Development fund and national funds. Project title: “The cross-border proteins centre for cancer, diagnostic and research”. Acronym: PROTEO.

k. Project Partner of a cross-border cooperation program Italy-Slovenia 2007-2013 funded by the European Regional Development fund and national funds. Project title: “Identificazione di nuovi marcatori di cellule staminali tumorali a scopo diagnostico e terapeutico”. Acronym: GLIOMA.

l. Project Partner of a cross-border cooperation program Italy-Austria 2014-2020 funded by the European Regional Development fund and national funds. Project acronym: “EXOTHERA”.

m. Coordinator of a Research Unit of a project financed by CARIPLO foundation. Project title “BPIFB4 isoforms: possible genetic risk factor and therapeutic tool for human frailty”.

n. Project Partner of a cross-border cooperation program Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020 funded by the European Regional Development fund and national funds. Project acronym: “TRANSGLIOMA”.

o. Principal Investigator of a Regional Grant (Bando 2017 per la concessione di contributi per la ricerca clinica, traslazionale, di base, epidemiologica e organizzativa, art. 15, comma 2, lett. b), legge regionale 17/2014) entitled: “Heart failure as the Alzheimer disease of the heart; therapeutic and diagnostic opportunities”.







Technical skills and competences

Cardiac histology, histochemistry, and morphometry.

Immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy.

Isolation of cardiomyocytes from rat, dog, and from human hearts.

Isolation and growth of cardiac stem cells from mouse, rat, dog, and human hearts.

Flow cytometry and flow sorting (FACS).

Cell based assays (e.g. migration, invasion, differentiation, proliferation, viability).

Retroviral-based gene transfer.

Molecular biology analytical techniques for nucleic acids and proteins.

Statistical analysis.




Computer skills and competences

Good abilty both in Windows based and MacOS based environments. Good knowledge of:

·    Office and iWorks software,

·    flow cytometry software (i.e. Summit and FlowJo),

·    statistical software (Prism, JMP, SPSS),

·    image analysis software (ImageJ),

·    image editing (Photoshop)



Driving licence

Italian type “B” driving licence (for cars and vehicles whose total weight is less than 3.5 tons).



Teaching activities


Supervision of undergraduate students and post-doctoral fellows

2004 – 2014                9 Postdocs (Natascha Bergamin, Federica D’Aurizio, Patrizia Marcon, Silvia Rigo, Angela Caragnano, Barbara Toffoletto, Ivana Manini, Emmanouil Athanasakis, and Claudia Veneziano) and 8 PhD students (Silvia Rigo, Giuseppe Gianfranceschi, Elisa Avolio, Elisa Mazzega, Angela Caragnano, Alessandra Poz, Andrea Zanello, and Celeste Cervellin), Department of Medical and Morphological Sciences (until 2009), Department of Medical and Biological Sciences (2009-2016), Department of Medicine (2017-now), University of Udine, Italy.

Master degree courses

2009/2010; 2018  MSc in Stem cells and Regeneration programme of the University of Bristol, UK; taught module “Stem Cells in Cardiac and Skeletal Systems”.


2012; 2014-2017 Hematopoietic stem cells and regenerative medicine, University of Parma, Italy.

2017, 2018                     Stem cells and regenerative medicine, University of Krems, Austria.


2009 – 2011                1) Pathology, 2) Stem cell culture, and 3) Regenerative medicine courses, I and II level Biotechnology degree, University of Udine, Italy; Surgical Pathology, Laboratory technician degree, University of Udine, Italy.

2011 – 2013     Surgical Pathology, Laboratory technician degree, University of Udine, Italy

2011/2012          Stem cells, Excellence School “Scuola Superiore” of the University of Udine.

2012 – 2014     1) Stem cells and regenerative medicine and 2) Molecular Diagnosis modules, I and II level Biotechnology degree, University of Udine, Italy.

2015-2016        1) Stem cells and regenerative medicine and 2) Molecular Diagnosis modules, I and II level Biotechnology degree, University of Udine, Italy. Surgical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine.

2017                1) Disease models, 2) Stem cells and regenerative medicine and 3) Molecular Diagnosis modules, I and II level Biotechnology degrees, University of Udine, Italy. Surgical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine.

2018                1) Disease models, 2) Molecular Diagnosis courses, I and II level Biotechnology modules, University of Udine, Italy. Surgical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine.





Institutional responsibilities





Faculty member, Department of Medical and Biological Sciences, University of Udine, Italy.

Member of the committee for the didactics of the II degree level of Biotechnology.




Faculty member, PhD School in “Food and human health”, University of Udine, Italy.




Faculty member, Department of Medicine, University of Udine, Italy.



Editor and Reviewer activities


Academic Editor for Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine

Academic Editor for PlosONE

Academic Editor of Cells

Academic Editor of Stem Cells International


Peer-Reviewer of Scientific Reports, Elsevier, PlosONE, and International Journal of Nanomedicine.

Ad hoc reviewer for the following journals: Nature Clinical Practice Cardiovascular Medicine, Circulation, Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Differentiation, Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Cell Biology International, American Journal of Hypertension, Expert Opinion in Biological Therapy, Journal of Nephrology, Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research, Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, and Tissue and Cell.


Reviewer for grant applications for: Diabetes UK; The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development; New Zealand Heart Foundation; Agence National de la Recherche (ANR), France; Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR); and University of Padua, Italy.


Reviewer for The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), a program unit within UNESCO.


Member of the evaluation committee for the Unit INSERM UMR 1087 l’institut du thorax on behalf of the Haute conseil de l’évaluation de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur (HCERES).



Additional information


Participation to Spin-off

2004: Co-founder of “Tissue and Organ Replacement” -T.O.R.- 

Organization of Scientific Meetings


2006: Faculty member of the Summer School “Advanced topics in molecular medicine”. Organized with: Consortium for Biomolecular Medicine (CBM) and AREA Science Park (Trieste, Italy) together with Central European Initiative / 20 International Students / Italy

2003-14: Organizer of Biotechnology Seminars, Academic Hospital of Udine and University of Udine, Italy



Invited speaker

2018: Cardiocentro Lugano

2017: Italian Society for Cardiovascular Research (SIRC) XXI meeting, Imola, Italy.

2017: European Society of Cardiology annual meeting, Barcelona, Spain.

2016: Lugano Stem Cell Meeting, Switzerland.

2016: The Company of Biologists workshop on “Transdifferentiation and Tissue Plasticity in Cardiovascular Rejuvenation”, Whiston House, Steining, West Sussex, UK.

2015: National Congress of the Italian Society of Pharmacology, Naples

2015: Smart meeting anesthesia resuscitation intensive care, Milan, Italy

2013: German-Italian Centre for European Excellence; “Molecular and cellular regulators of cardiovascular homeostasis”, Villa Vigoni, Menaggio, Italy.

2013: National Cardiology Congress ANMCO, Firenze

2013: National Congress Italian Society of Pharmacology, Turin

2013: National Congress Italian Society of Cardiology, Rome

2012: Third Annual Robert and Arlene Kogod Center on Aging Conference: Senescence and Healthspan. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA.

2012: “Tissue Remodeling in Ageing and Disease - Emerging Insights into a Complex Pathology” Meeting organized by the partners of the EU funded RESOLVE project.

2011: European Society of Cardiology workshop 'Cardiac Regeneration in Search of Cardiac Progenitors. Challenges of cell-based therapy for heart failure'.

2011: Kickoff meeting of the “QUIDPROQUO” ERC Advanced Grant.

2011: Adriatic Society of Pathology, Trieste.

2010: Lugano Stem Cell Meeting, Switzerland



2009: Cellule staminali e medicina rigenerativa, Collegio Ghislieri, Pavia

2008: National Cardiology Congress ANMCO, Firenze

2008: Italian Society of Physiology National Congress, Cagliari

2007: Società Italiana Trapianti d’Organo, Modena

2007: Adriatic Society of Pathology, Ascoli Piceno






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